Just Your Love

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"Here are the keys. I'll be sure to keep this place off the map."
"Thankyou Winson. You're savin our asses today."
"I'll be sure to contact Angela and Genji. They have the apartment across from you. Do you mind giving them their keys?"
"Not at all. Thanks again."
Winston smiled and nodded befire heading down a flight of stairs. McCree unlocked their door. It creeked as it opened into a small living space with an attached bedroom, kitchenette, and bathroom.
"Overwatch keeps these places furnished for special occasions like ours." McCree said.
"I didn't relize so many people went rogue."
"They don't. These are mostly used for longer missions, but I keep in contact with Ovrwatch, just in case."
"I've never been to this side of Tokyo." Hanzo said looking out the window. They were at keast four stories up staring into a busy alleyway full of small shops and markets. He closed the blinds and turned to look at McCree. He threw both their bags by the door. McCree began unbuttoning his shirt for bed.
"Well, we better get som rest Han. We drove for a while."
"Come here."
Hanzo started taking McCree's shirt off for him. McCree smiled down at him and stroked his cheek with his thumb. The shirt fell to the floor and Hanzo carefully took off McCree's belt and pants. McCree began removing Hanzo's clothes but was pushed to the bed. Hanzo finished removing his own clothes and hopped on top of Jesse. He smiled mischievously at him and kissed his neck.
"I dunno what kind a game you're playin, but we need to-"
McCree stopped when he saw Hanzo pull of his own boxers. McCree stared at the length of his rider and shook his head.
"You need to rest Han."
Hanzo grew closer and slowly removed McCree's boxers. Hanzo smiled and gently stroked his shaft. McCree was aroused, but eager to stop Hanzo from continuing. He talked in labored breath.
"Hanzo we, we need to-"
"Shut up."
Hanzo pressed his tip against McCree's opening and leaned close to his ear.
"Shall I continue cowboy?"
McCree breathed loudly. He began stroking Hanzo's hair when all of a sudden Hanzo thrusted inside him. McCree gasped in pain.
"Han I'm not, I ain't wet yet!"
Hanzo thrusted back and forth into Jesse and listened to his loud painful grunts.
"Gah! You're hurtin me darling!"
Hanzo stroked McCree harder to ease the pain. He teased him and sucked on his lips.
"I owe you so much more than this Jesse. I owe you my life."
McCree darted his eyes at Hanzo.
"You, you owe me nothin. I love you Han. Your love is all I need."
Hanzo grinned and got close to McCree's ear.
"Then tell me you want it."
"Han I-"
Hanzo thrusted into Jesse again making hard movments. McCree exclaimed loudly in pain nearly crying. He covered his mouth trying to hide his pain. He was in disbelief.
"Jesse. Say it. Beg for me."
"Hanzo please! Get on me!"


"McCree is going to try and be discreat. We can't track the bike, he's probably ditched it by now. He'll go somewhere he can become easily familiar with, or maybe even a place his buddy Hanzo knows."
"Yeah, unless he's a mermaid." Nathan said under his breath.
"Hm?"Ashe asked looking up from her desk.
Nathan looked back at her.
"Nothing, I've recently been in contact with a few people that believe Hanzo is a mermaid."
"Do you believe those rumors, sheriff?"
"At first I thought the man who claimed to have seen it was just crazy, but when I spoke with him he seemed to be the sanest person there."
"You didn't answer my question, Nathan."
"It's too early at this point. I don't know for sure."
"Well from what I know Mermaids are nothing more than a bedtime story my parents never read to me. I had to figure out on my own what they were. Fake, a legend. Until we find concrete evidence of so called mermaids, will table the information you got from this man bout Hanzo."
"Fine, but I do think it's suspicious how he kinda just showed up outta nowhere. Then started living with Jesse."
"In your notes you said that McCree told you that Hanzo was an old friend."
"Yeah, that's right."
"McCree never did talk about bo one named Hanzo. I think he was lyin to you sheriff."
Nathan gasped slaming his fist into the desk.
"What is all just one goddamn lie Jesse?! I don't even know if that's your real name!"
"Heh heh, that's the only real thing about Jesse McCree. The only thing he keeps strait anyways: His name. That's all I need to find him Nathan." Ashe said laying a hand on Nathan's shoulder. "I hope you will do what you're supposed to when the time comes."

Off The Hook (2nd book of "The Fish and The Riverman" Mchanzo fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now