Last Hours

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Genji and Hanzo swam to shore and began drying off when Genji's phone started to ring. He picked it up.
"You better hurry back Genji. Bring Hanzo with you."
Genji gasped and dropped the phone to look at Hanzo.
"Brother. Angela needs us back at the hospital."
Hanzo's face grew worrisome and he quickly got to his feet.
"Let's go."
They both quickly grabbed their things and ran through the busy streets. Hanzo bursted through the entrance of the hospital and squeezed passed several people to get to McCree's room. Genji followed behind. The door swung open. Hanzo's breaths were loud and shaky. He saw McCree laying comfortably in bed as if he hadn't been touched. He sighed in relief and ran to hold his hand. Angela stood from a chair by the geordi and looked solemnly at the floor. Hanzo noticed and asked what was wrong. She looked up sadly and pushed her glasses back.
"The surgery was successful, but..."
Genji held Angela's hand.
Tears began to roll down her face. Genji attempted to strike his thumb across to wipe her tears, but she pushed his hand away.
"Careful Genji. You-you can't get wet." She said wiping her own tears off.
Genji had nearly forgotten about that, but he wrapped his arms around her in a warm embrace.
"Hanzo, I-I'm so sorry, but......Jesse is not going to make it through the week."
Hanzo's eyes slowly widened. His grip on Jesse's hand was growing tighter by the second. The world around him was a blur. Everything went mute. His head began spinning and he nearly fell to the floor. He collapsed on top of Jesse and weeped. His tears covered the sheets. He got everything around him so wet that he turned right in the middle of the hospital room. His tail came out, but he didn't move and it didn't matter anymore. Angela closed the door to their room and locked it behind the curtain. Genji and Angela both holding eachother and mourning in tears. Hanzo was left to wallow in Jesse's lap for the rest of the night. When there were no more tears left to cry, Angela found Hanzo in the same spot as the previous day. He hadn't let go of McCree's hand and hadn't slept. He stayed awake making sure McCree didn't feel alone.
"H-Hanzo? You should probably eat something and get some rest." She said.
"I'm not leaving his side."
"Can I bring you something to eat?"
"I have no appetite."
Angela sighed.
"Jesse might suffer if we wait till the end of the week. It would be better to take off the life support tomorrow, but I'll leave it up to you to make a decision." Angela explained.
"Do you know if anyone was working with Sherrif Abner?" Hanzo asked.
Angela looked up confused.
"Sherrif Abner? I-I'm not sure, but why are you worried about him. He did this to Jesse."
Hanzo calmly stood from the bed.
"Exactly. I can tell he did not do this by himself. He knew that I was from the sea somehow. I certainly didn't tell him. Someone must have helped him get this far."
"That doesn't matter now Hanzo. Nathan is dead and whoever helped him is probably long gone. I'm afraid that once all of this is over you and Genji must return to the sea. For your safety. Humans know that you exist now. We cannot risk the gold diggers of the world putting you two under a microscope."
Hanzo turned quickly toward Angela and gazed down at her. She looked down a bit frightened by his stern face.
"Isn't that what you already did to Genji?"
She gasped and didn't answer.
"If you don't mind I'd like to spend Jesse's last hours with him."
Angela nodded and walked out of the room solemnly looking toward the floor. Hanzo sat back down beside the bed and held Jesse's cold hand. Every time Hanzo went to look up at Jesse he hoped his deep brown eyes would be staring back, but they were gently shut.
Genji looked through the doors window to see his brother sitting quietly next to Jesse. He sighed and walked into the room.
No answer.
"Angie told me what is going on. Have you decided yet?"
"Genji, is still hard to comprehend.....that Jesse has to....go so soon."
"I can imagine Hanzo. I don't expect you to let him go so easily, but still.....a decision has to be made."
" not want him to suffer. He can go peacefully off tomorrow." Hanzo said putting his head to Jesse's belly.
A year ran down his face and he gently sobbed into McCree's shirt.
"It's not fair."
"Father used to say the bird must learn to fly as the worm must learn to dig. In other words we must learn to adjust to the world around us."
"Did Angela tell you what we should do once this is all over?"
"Yes brother, but I am not leaving. You will not leave, will you?"
"Of course not. Maybe we do not belong here, but it's like you said. We must learn to live in the strange world around us. For Jesse."

Off The Hook (2nd book of "The Fish and The Riverman" Mchanzo fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now