Brotherly Bonding

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Angela bursted into the hospital room to see two nurses and Hanzo hovered over Jesse. Hanzo stared at Jesse with a worried expression. He held Jesse's hand and sobbed trying to shake Jesse awake. He looked up sobbing to see Angela in a rush to figure out what was happening.

"Dr. Zeigler! I#I don't understand what is happening!"

The nurses moved out of her way. She tore McCree's shirt open and removed his bandage to reveal a dark black bruise around the bullet hole.

"The infection has likely spread to his heart. He needs surgery right away." Angela said.

She helped prepare the bed to be moved. Hanzo gasped holding McCree's hand firmly. He sobbed hard.


"Nurse, get him out of here." Angela said.


Two nurses began pulling Hanzo away from the bed. He cried out trying to hold himself to the bed. They yanked him away. Hanzo yelled loudly trying to reach for McCree, but he was slowly being pulled away by the nurses. Genji, in the hallway, saw the commotion and went to hold his older brother. Genji held him close as Hanzo sobbed into his shoulder. They watched Angela and several nurses roll McCree to the surgery room. Everything went mute. The world was a buzz. No one knew what would happen. Hanzo and Genji were trapped in a terrible position of uncertainty. Hanzo had no clue what was happening to his partner. Genji too was feeling uneasy and uncertain of Jesse's future. They waited in the lobby, occasionally walking back and forth, fidgeting with what they could to put their mind at ease. Hanzo sat in a chair tapping his foot and leaning into his hands. Genji saw him and stood up. He picked Hanzo from the chairs and took him out the door.
"Let us go brother." Genji said
"Where?" Hanzo asked.
"For a swim."
"A swim?! During a time like this?!"
"We need to get our minds off of the situation at hand."
"I cannot just leave Jesse. What if something happened?!"
"Like I said. We must take our minds off of it no matter the situation. We need to trust that Angela has everything under control and that we will be there when Jesse wakes up."
It hurt Hanzo to leave, but he nodded nervously and followed Genji to the docs. Hanzo had almost forgotten what he was. The water seemed so unfamiliar to him, but Genji abruptly drove into the water creating a large splash. He rose to the surface, his tail grown back and waited for his brother to follow. Hanzo began by removing his jacket. He hesitated at first, but dove in. He splashed Genji by his dive and rose to the surface. He peered down into the water at his tail. That too seemed unfamiliar to him now. It almost felt like he was a human who turned into a merman rather than the other way around. Genji dove below the surface and swam freely through the dark waters. Hanzo followed behind. Genji began to swim out to the sea, Hanzo trailing. Genji's movements slowly became blurred.
"Genji! Slow down! I can't keep up!"
"Hurry Hanzo!"
"I cannot swim that fast!"
Hanzo slowed down a d finally stopped when his breath became too labored. He rose above the water to catch his breath. Genji sprouted from the water and splashed Hanzo in the face. He spat out and splashed Genji back chuckling at the funny look on Genji's face. He used his tail to forcefully splash Hanzo back. They both laughed splashing eachother back and forth. Genji tackled Hanzo below the water and they spun out of control. Genji attempted to grab Hanzo's tail to wrestle him, but it was prickly to the touch. He let go and gasped staring at Hanzo.
"Brother! When was the last time you waxed your tail?!"
Hanzo shrugged scratching his head.
"I don't remember to be honest. I haven't taken the time to take care of this form."
Genji put his hand to Hanzo's shoulder.
"Brother? Will you let me wax your tail?"
"Sure. I suppose I could use the help. Thank you brother."
Genji took Hanzo to Oshima Island just off the coast of Hanamura. Under the island was a cave that revealed another mermaid moon pool.
"This is an ancient moon pool created by our elders, Hanzo. I used to.....ah....come here to be alone....when we argued." Genji explained.
Hanzo looked around the small cave and sat in the sand. He swirled it around with his finger a d looked somberly up at Genji.
"It has taken me a while to realize that you have forgiven me and even longer for me to forgive myself. You know I regret the decisions I have made in the past. I'm glad I have this second chance to make things right." Hanzo explained.
"I have looked down upon the human race for so long. I've even doubted Angela's abilities in the past, but you have helped me see past it, brother. You've shown me what it truly means to be human and what the benefits are. I even feel like this human experience has led us to become closer. You've grown so fond of them in the short time we have been here. I was worried at first, but I now see the good it is doing for you. We even stopped Nathan."
"That we did, but he.......he still.....he made everything hurt. I've never had such a shallow hole in my heart until Nathan tried to kill us."
Genji grabbed a waxing kit that was on the floor of the cave. He motioned for Hanzo to put his tail in his lap and began gently rubbing the scales with wax.
"I an very sorry that this is all happening Hanzo, but I'm going to do my best to make sure I am here for you. I'll help with whatever you need."
He could tell Hanzo looked nervous.
"B-brother, I am sure Jesse will-"
"Can we go back and wait at the hospital?"
"Jesse won't be out of surgery for a few more hours."
"Please Genji?"
"I think it's best that we wait here and talk some more. You have spent the last few weeks trying to believe he was dead and now you are worried more than ever. Jesse is in good hands. Besides, I haven't finished waxing."
Hanzo sighed and layed back in the sand. His long way hair flopped to the floor of the cave and he looked up at the crystalized ceiling above them. It looked like stars across a clear night sky.
"What is your favorite human food?" Hanzo asked.
"I haven't had much outside of raw fish, but I do enjoy the Ramen."
"Heh heh, me too."
"I just love the flavor. Angela loves to make it. She is rather good at cooking."
"I didn't think McCree could cook either, but he is also very good at it. I guess when you first live by yourself you pick up new talents."
Genji gave off a dry laugh as he wiped the wax from Hanzo's tail. He finished and gently stroked his hand down the scales. It felt like a spongy basketball. Genji smiled at his work.
"There you go. It is perfectly smooth now."
"Thankyou Genji."

Off The Hook (2nd book of "The Fish and The Riverman" Mchanzo fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now