Come Back

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Genji dried Hanzo's tail until his legs grew back and pulled his hair into its yellow sash. Hanzo looked up into the mirror. He didn't recognize himself anymore.
"You look great brother."
"I suppose."
"What is it?"
"I have put myself into McCree's heart. That is now at rest. I do not recognize myself anymore, Genji."
Genji grabbed the side of Hanzo's shoulders.
"Well, I'm sure you will feel different once Jesse awakes."

"If he awakes."

"Brother, don't talk like that. Of course he will wake. Now, are you ready to go see him?"

"Not quite yet. We need to make a stop at the market."

Hanzo and Genji arrived at the hospital, flowers in hand and headed down a hall. Genji stopped at a door and gently knocked on it. The sound of heels tapped against the floor approaching the door. It opened to reveal a very stressed-looking Angela. She repositioned her glasses and fixed her eyes on Hanzo.

"Hanzo? Oh, my I-it's good to see you. How are you feeling?"

Hanzo got strait to the point.

"He's still asleep."

"Is he recovering?" Genji asked.


Their conversation trailed off when Hanzo peered over Angela's shoulder to see McCree with a sickening white complexion. One could assume he was dead. Hanzo stared wide eyed and started breathing rapidly. He took short steps away from the door. Genji looked at him curiously.


Hanzo shook his head. His eyes started to swell up.

"I-I can't do this Genji, he's-"

"Hanzo, Jesse needs you more than anything right now. Please, just be with him. He can still hear you."

Hanzo exhaled shakily and nodded.

"O-ok. I'm ready."

Angela nodded and lead them into the hospital room. Hanzo slowly walked up to the bed with flowers in hand. He stared into McCree's motionless face and set the flowers on the table next to him. Hanzo gently reached out and held McCree's pale hand. Hanzo sobbed holding McCree's hand tightly. He brought it to his lips and gently kissed it.

"I'm so sorry Jesse. Please, please come back to me."

Angela motioned Genji away.

"We need to talk."

"What is it Angie?"

"It's about Jesse. He-he's recovering from his wounds, but...."

"Angela what's wrong?"

She started to sob gently wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Jesse can't be on life support for much longer."

Genji gasped. Angela fell into his arms and sobbed into his shoulder.

"I've failed."

"No, no Angela. You, you have done everything you could."

They went back into the hospital room to see Hanzo  sitting next to McCree.

"If you do not mind Dr. Zeigler, I'm going to stay the night here, with Jesse."

She sniffled a bit and nodded.

"Of course Hanzo."

Hanzo rested his head on the bed while holding Jesse's hand.

"It is getting late." Genji said. "Angela, you should get some rest. You've been working hard."

Angela tucked a string of hair behind her ear and nodded.

"Let's go."

Hanzo sobbed into Jesse's sheets, but slowly fell asleep against the bed. He dreamt of Jesse by his side again. In the middle of the night Hanzo woke to a strange beeping noise. It was coming from the monitor and all of a sudden it flatlined.

Angela woke up to answer her phone. She gasped and shook Genji awake.

"Genji! We have to go to the hospital! Something has happened to Jesse!"


Audience: OMG! Maddy how could you do this to us! You leave for a while with a cliff hanger and then return with another cliff hanger and a shorter chapter?! What the hell is wrong with you?!

Maddy: Well geez you guys are pretty impatient huh? Keep in mind that I have a life outside of writing fanfiction. Although I enjoy doing it and always plan on finishing my books, I'm going to be very busy during the summer. Unfortunately I'll be going to summer school Monday through Thursday and the rest of that time I'll be working. So sorry if I write short chapters or don't update in a while. In any case, thank you for your patience. 😊

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