So It's True

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"Thankyou Jesse." Hanzo said eyeing McCree narrowly.
McCree caught his glance.
"What is it, darling?"
"You are not wearing sunblock are you?"
McCree grew hot with blush.
"Jesse! You'll burn like a cod fish!"
"Heh, you're gonna have to climb up here and put it on me yourself Hanny."
Hanzo frowned and lifted himself our of the boat.
"So be it cowboy."
He quickly dried himself off until his legs came back. He stood up and took the bottle of sunblock from a compartment on the boat and climbed into McCree's lap spreading his legs. McCree smiled and accepted what was happening. Hanzo shook his head squirting some of the lotion into his hand. He rubbed it in both hands and rubbed it into McCree's cheeks. Hanzo turned his head in his hands making sure he was getting every corner of McCree's face. He didn't fight it. McCree slowly tilted his head down as Hanzo rubbed the cold lotion into his shoulders. Hanzo stopped to look at him curiously.
"Jesse? Is everything alright."
"Heh, 'course it is. I've got you by my side." He said getting Hanzo to stand. He stood with him and looked down at his glowing face.
"I've gotta pull the net in."
McCree grabbed the fishing hook and brought the net into the boat. Tons of fish scattered the bottom of the boat.
"Well we've never had trouble catching fish."
"I started adding a special sea weed to the bait. It seems to work."
"Heh, no wonder."
They gathered all the fish and began heading backto the dock for the day. Ashe and two henchmen were waiting for them. The henchmen helped gather all the fish. Ashe tipped her hat from the dock.
"That's quite the catch gentlemen. Good work."
McCree stared blankly back as he helped Hanzo off the boat.
"Allow me to treat ya both to a drink tonight. I'd like to get to know the two most hard workin men here." Ashe said leaning on her back leg.
"I-I don't think that is necessary Ashe."
"Now hold on Jesse." Hanzo said. "We would love a drink Miss Ashe."
She smiled and nodded.
"Well let's go then. The bar is wide open."
Ashe led them into the doc house and the three of them had a seat at the bar. Ashe ordered a case of beer on her tab. She took a small sip and sighed in relief.
"So Hanzo, where you from?" She asked.
"McCree gasped and stared at Hanzo so Ashe wouldn't notice."
"Japan. My brother and I grew up there with our father."
"Interesting. What does your father do?"
"He was the leader of the Shimada Clan."
"A clan ey?" Ashe said. "Y'know I was part of a gang once."
McCree's eyes grew wide. He qickly reached over and tugged Hanzo from the bar.
"Alrighty time for us to go!"
"What, so soon McCree?" Ashe asked. "At least lemme walk y'all home."
"I think we can manage Miss Ashe!" McCree exclaimed practically pushing Hanzo out the door.
"Jesse what is the meaning of this!" Hanzo cried.
"Let's just go home Hanny. Our visit was too long lasted."
"We had barely sat down."
"I don't want you drinkin too much after work. It'll make ya have a headache in the mornin."
"We'll just have to catch up with Miss Ashe later then." Hanzo said finally walking on his own.
"That ain't necessary Hanny."
He stared at McCree suspiciously.
"Do you want to tell me what is going on with you and Miss Ashe?"
"You seem to not favor her too much."
"It's nothing."
"You dare hide things from me McCree?"
He loooked over at Hanzo's brude expression like he was trying to mind control him.
"I can't tell ya Hanzo."
"So there is something."
McCree stopped abruptly in his tracks.
"If I told you anything, you'd die!"
Hanzo's face quickly turned. He gasped staring at McCree's angry expression in fear. McCree repositioned his hat and continued walking to the house. They both went inside without saying another word. Minutes after the door shut a knock was heard.
"Now what?" McCree said.
Hanzo went ahead and answered the door. Ashe was standing right there on the porch. She had an open beer in one hand and a case of beer under her other arm. She looked uneasy gently tipping her beer over.
"Hey y'all! Figured I'd bring this for ya since y'all didn't have time to drink it at the bar." Ashe exclaimed in a drunken voice. Hanzo smiled and reached for the case of beer.
"Thankyou Miss Ashe we really appreciate-gah!"
She spilt her beer on Hanzo. He quickly stepped back to observe the mess. He gasped as he stepped back into the house.
"Oh I'm terribly sorry Hanzo. Clumsy me."
McCree came over quickly shoving Hanzo behind the door and slamming it shut. Almost immediately Hanzo grew his tail and fell to the floor. His wet body flopping on the ground. The door slowly creaked open and Ashe peeked inside. McCree gapsed. He felt all the air completely leave his lungs. Ashe stepped inside looking surprised to see Hanzo as a merman lying across the floor. She scoffed.
"I did it."
Just then she was shoved into the wall. McCree held her by the neck off of the floor. Ashe gapsed for breath, but paid no attention to Jesse's hate filled face. She kept her eyes on Hanzo still lying like a dead fish on the ground.
"So it's true." Ashe whispered still gasping for air. "Mermaid are real."
She grabbed at Jesse's hand.
"You're gonna pay for this Ashe!"
"Oh yeah, I'll pay gor it alright. Bob!"
An omnic henchmen made his way through the doorway carrying a blacked out tank of water. Another omnic held the other side of it. They set it down and picked up Hanzo from the floor. He squirmed and cried out to McCree, but he was defenseless.
"No! Jesse!"
They threw him into the tank. Onee of the omnics walked up to Jesse.
"Kak, let me go or he dies McCree."
McCree stared in fear. Tears filled his eyes and streamed down his face. He loosened his grip letting Ashe fall to the floor. She coughed for a minute before standing up and rubbing her throat.
"You knew I was on to you Jesse, but I'm surprised. You used to always take the cash route. Why not sell the mermaid?"
"He ain't no profit, you fuckin bitch."
"Just say it Jesse." Ashe leaned into his ear. "You fell in love."
She moved away and headed out the door.
"Let's go boys. I wanna get paid."

Off The Hook (2nd book of "The Fish and The Riverman" Mchanzo fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now