Temple Dive

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Hanzo sat in a slouched position on the couch with his face in his clasped hands. He tapped his knee rapidly. McCree looked to see the anxiety on Hanzo's face.
"They are late."
"I'm sure they're fine Han. Just wait a little longer."
"What if they got stuck at the big metal machines?"
"You mean through customs? I suppose it is a possiblity."
Hanzo started to look panicked.
"Genji's body is made of metal now. They'll surely be stopped!"
"Not unless they take the pat down."
"Jesse! My brother is a walking weapon! They'll..."
He stopped and turned towards the window. Hanzo inhaled deeply through his nose.
"I smell him."
McCree tilted his head. He hadn't know about Hanzo's advanced smell until now.
"You can smell him?"
"They are right outside!"
Hanzo threw open the curtains and looked down the alleyway to see a car stop in front of the apartment complex. The passenger door opened and Hanzo could clearly see Genji stepping out of the car. He rushed out the door and nearly stumbled down the stairs. He ran passed the door and threw his arms around his brother. Genji was surprised at first, but hugged Hanzo back.
"Thank god you are safe!"
"Anija, yes I'm fine."
McCree found his way out the door to join Hanzo and Genji in their embrace.
"It's good to see ya Genji."
Angela moved a bag from the back of the car, but looked up to see that McCree and Hanzo were also safe. She ran to hug them. Hanzo stared in shock. His eyes going wide. He was surprised by the hug considering she didn't like him all that much for killing Genji.
"It's good to see you both." She said standing from Hanzo.
"Here's the key to your room." McCree said handing Angela the key.
"Thankyou Jesse."
She smiled warmly. The three guys helped get all of the bags upstairs and to their apartment. Angela walked in and looked at the small space. She smiled to herself knowing that Genji and her would be safe. She turned to look at them.
"Thankyou so much."
Hanzo scratched his head.
"Thankyou for helping my brother."
Her smile got warmer and she gave a little nod.
"Well, we're gonna let y'all settle in alright? Have a good night." Jesse said shutting the door. They went to their own apartment and went to bed.

In the morning McCree packed a bag for him and Hanzo to investigate the remains of Hanzo's old home. They walked to the doc on the far edge of Hanamura and looked over the side of a brick wall. The sunrise was magnificent, but they were much too focused on other things. Hanzo started taking off his clothes and setting them on the side of the doc. He got ready to dive in. He faced McCree.
"I won't be gone long."
"Of course. I'll be fine."
Hanzo made a splash. McCree waited till he could no longer see Hanzo before he sat and waited for him. Umder the water Hanzo waved his tail back and forth pushing himself strait under the water. His eyes adjusted to the dark and he could see a crippling temple. He stared for a minute before finding the entrance. It's walls and halls were still faniliar in his nind. He made his way to his old bedroom and found a case with his old bow and arrows inside of it. In the training rooms there were weapons tossed around the room. Hanzo picked them up and took them with him. Just then the cieling started to crumble. It fell down theough the water and landed on Hanzo. His tail was caught in a board. He lashed trying to be free from it. He felt the board slicing his tail. Wincing in pain he reached for the board and tosses it aside and quickly swam out of the temple. He threw everything onto the doc and pulled himself to shore. McCree gasped and imediateley stood to help Hanzo out of the water. He could see him wincing in pain.
"Shut it. I'll live McCree."
McCree sighed and tossed his anger away. He was just glad that he was able to come out with a few weapons. Hanzo dried himself while Jesse looked at the weapons.
"Hmm. These are in rough shape, but I think I can make em work."
Hanzo chuckled.
"If anyone can, it's you Jesse."
McCree diverted his attention back to Hanzo's tail seeing the open wound bleeding.
"You sure you're gonna be ok?"
"Nothing those bandages won't fix. I'll be fine."

Off The Hook (2nd book of "The Fish and The Riverman" Mchanzo fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now