32) Text Messages

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You sent one new message from 'My Favourite 😍'

My Muse 😍
Hey, can we talk?

My Favourite 😍
Sure, what's up?

My Muse 😍
I've wanted to talk to you about
something for a little while.

My Favourite 😍
This sounds pretty serious.
Is everything okay?

My Muse 😍
I just wanted to talk about this
to you out of respect for our

My Favourite 😍
I think I know what this is about.

My Muse 😍
You do?

My Favourite 😍
Yeah, I guessing this is about Tom.

My Muse 😍

My Favourite 😍
You like him.

My Muse 😍
I really do.
But I wanted to talk to you about it.
I didn't want you to find out from
someone else or to step on your toes.

My Favourite 😍
I really appreciate that, Lils.
And I don't want to have to stand
in your way, or put away your feelings
for me. I just want you to be happy.

My Muse 😍
Are you sure?

My Favourite 😍
It's okay, truly.
Do what makes you happy Lili.

My Muse 😍
Thank you, Cole.

You have one new message from Ponytail

Hey love

Hey, love.
How're you?

Laying in bed, knowing I have to
sleep for work at 3 in the morning.

I'm so glad I have some time off before
filming again. I don't miss those early starts.
Having breakfast.
London is lonely without you.

So is Vancouver.
I wish you were here with me.

Me too, love.

So I've been building up the courage to
say this for a few months now and it wasn't
until today that I felt I could tell you this.

Is everything okay, love?

I hope so.
Tom... I really like you.
And more than just a good friend.
You're the last person I think about when
I go to sleep and the first person I think
of when I wake up. You make my heart flutter
every time you smile and my breath catches
when you hand brushes mine. Being away from
you makes my heart ache. I know that when we aren't
working together we are on either sides of the country or
world, but I believe in us and I want to give this a shot.
And I really hope you do too. So Tom, if you'll have me,
I want to be your girlfriend.
Read 9:06am

Oh god, I think I might have read this all
wrong. I'm sorry if this made you uncomfortable.
Please forget what I said.

BugBoi is requesting to FaceTime you

Lili's heart skips a beat as the notification filled up her home screen. With shaky hands, she presses the accept button. Tom's face fills the screen, the sun shining in through the window outside. His face is filled with a beaming smile as he looks at her on his screen.

"Do you mean that?" He asks, his body on edge waiting for an answer.

Lili blushes and nods her head, "Yeah, I really do."

Tom let's out a breath of relief before nodding his head, "Thank God, because I really like you too Lili. I have for a long time now."

"Why didn't you say anything?" She asks, frowning at the beautiful boy on her screen.

"Because of what you said about not wanting to date another one of your costars." He explains.

She closes her eyes and nods her head, "Yeah. I did think that, but then I met you. And after spending nearly twenty four hours a day together for six months, I knew that my heart wanted to take the risk."

"I'm glad it does." He smiles sheepishly.

Lili giggles and snuggles into her pillow before turning serious, "I want you to know, I talked to Cole about this before I rang you."

"Oh." He states and she speaks quickly, "I just didn't want him to be blind sided by us. Even though we aren't together anymore, he is still a huge part of my life. In very many ways he is still my best friend. And nothing is ever going to change that. Out of respect for him and our friendship, I wanted him to be the first to know."

Tom is quiet for a moment and Lili grows anxious, hoping she hasn't ruined this before it started. But Tom nods his head and runs his fingers through his tuft of brown hair, "I get it. I know how important Cole is to you, and he really is a good guy. I think it's good that you told him."

Lili breathes a sigh of relief, happy to know that Tom's okay with her friendship with Cole. Because if he wasn't, then there would be no relationship with her and Tom. Cole has been a big part of her life for the last three years, and she wasn't going to throw it away for Tom, no matter how much she likes him.

Lili looks back at the screen and smiles, "So, I think there's a question that needs to be asked?"

Tom's lips turn up and he smiles, "I think you're right. Lili, will you be my girlfriend?"

Lili's heart soars within her chest and grins broadly at the man she has fallen for, "Yes Tom, I would love to be your girlfriend."

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