13) Text Messages

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My Favourite 😍

My Muse 😍

My Favourite 😍
I know this is random, I just miss you

My Muse 😍
It's not random.
I miss you too. It's weird not seeing you

My Favourite 😍
I know. Not having you next to me is
killing me.

My Muse 😍
I know how you feel.
But we did what was right for us both.

My Favourite 😍
I know.
It doesn't make it hurt any less though.

My Muse 😍
I know 😞

My Favourite 😍
How is filming going?
You seem to be getting along well with

My Muse 😍
It's going amazing, and they're all
so lovely. But you know Riverdale holds
a special place in my heart. It always will.

My Favourite 😍
I know.
So, #Tili huh?

My Muse 😍
How did I know this would come up.
There's nothing going on between Tom and I.
We're just friends.

My Favourite 😍
I know. But I want you to know that even if
there was, I wouldn't be mad.
I just want the best there is for you Lil.
I'll always be here for you, no matter what.

My Muse 😍
Thanks Cole.
I hope you know that I wish the same for you too.
You still are and always will be my best friend.

My Favourite 😍
You're my best friend too.
So... Tell me more about this movie role.

One new message from 'BugBoy'

Hey ☺️

Hey you ☺️
What's up?

I just wanted to talk to you about the comments
on your picture.
I'm sorry if they made you uncomfortable.

It's alright, Tom.
It was just a bit of friendly
banter between costars.

Good, because I know that you're going
through a break up at the moment and
I didn't want you to think that I'm trying
to make moves on you or anything.

Why? Am I not pretty enough for you?

What? No!
I think you're absolutely beautiful Lili

I'm kidding, Tom 😂


No, but seriously. Thanks for caring.
It has been really hard not having Cole around.
But I really appreciate our friendship and
your respect for me.

Anytime Lili 😊

Thanks Tom.
But no matter who my costar is, they are
always going to try and link me romantically
to them instead of focusing on my acting.
Which gets really annoying.

I'm sorry to hear that, Lili.
The same thing happens to me.
The minute Zendaya came onto this
movie, everyone was going on about
us getting together. And Zen and I talked
about it saying that we only wanted to be

Same thing happened with me and KJ when
Riverdale first aired. But we are just good friends.
And then when Betty and Jughead paired up on
the show, boom everyone was asking us if we were dating.
But we were already together before the show after
meeting at a few auditions.

Can I ask you a question?
And if I'm intruding, please let me know.


Why did you and Cole break up?
Read 11:43pm

I shouldn't have asked, I'm sorry.

Sorry, I went to the toilet 😂
Um, I guess it boils down to the fact that
we wanted different things. I wanted to go into movies
and he wanted to focus more on his photography.
Of course we still wanted to do the show, but we kinda
just grew apart. I still love and care for him deeply,
but working together hurts my heart a lot.
So I've vowed to never date someone I work with ever again.
It gets too messy when things go south.

That seems like a smart vow, you
got to protect yourself.
And I'm sorry about you and Cole.
It sucks to love someone and then
drift apart. I hope that you're doing okay.

Yeah, I guess I am.
It's been two months and it still hurts.
But I'm a big girl and I'll make my way through it.
I have some incredible people supporting me.

You deserve to have people around you
who love you. But I'll let you go, it's nearly
midnight and we have an early shoot in the

Fair enough.
My eyes are drooping as I type 😂
Goodnight BuyBoy 😜

Goodnight Ponytail 😜

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