31) Premiere

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Lili grew more nervous with each second her limo drove to the premiere. She was in the car with Zendaya and Laura, who were buzzing with excitement. But her anxiety was only growing. Even though she was an actress, she still stressed out in big crowds. And there would be a lot of people there tonight.

Camila and Madelaine flew in to come to premiere with her, which helped ease her nerves slightly. But as she sits in the backseat of the limo, she couldn't help but fiddle with her stress to keep herself busy.

Soon the limo pulls up and Lili hears the screams and buzz of the huge crowd outside. She glances through the tinted window and could see the red carpet with paparazzi and interviewers scattered along. Some other celebrities and actors were on the carpet already, but they were the main attractions.

Zendaya turns and looks between them, grabbing their hands and holding them tightly, "Here we go!"

Laura squeals with excitement as the driver opens up the door for the. Laura is the first out, closely followed by Zendaya. Lili sits there for a moment and takes a deep breath before stepping out.

Screams fill her ears as she walks forward, the fans barricaded off crying out for her. She couldn't help the small smile coming to her face as she looked at them, grateful for the amazing opportunities that wouldn't have happened without them. She lifts her hand up and blows a kiss to them, truly happy for their presence.

She turns and looks down the red carpet, spotting Cami and Mads all the way at the other end. Zendaya and Laura were already getting their photos taken. She waited patiently until they started down the line of interviewers.

"Lili! Lili! Lili!"

Lili looked over and saw the photographers beckoning her. Her nerves came back with a vengeance and she stepped forward beginning to pose. She felt uncomfortable, trying her best to prove she was having a good time. But she was alone, and that made her anxious.

A hand slips itself around her waist and she turns, her body instantly relaxing. Tom smiles at her, his brown eyes shining as they look at hers. Her heart skips a beat as she looks him over, seeing how handsome he looks in his tux. He looked like a true movie star.

He smiles and leans forward, speaking in her ear, "You look absolutely beautiful."

Lili blushes and pulls back, looking at Tom, "You look so handsome."

"This old thing." He chuckles, waving her off.

Lili laughs and they pose for a few more photos before Lili turns to him, "I'll see you down the line?"

He gives her a nod, reluctantly removing his arm from her waist. If he had it his way, he would hold her all night. But he wasn't sure she wanted that, and he didn't want to make her uncomfortable. Tom could sense her anxiousness and wanted to wipe it all away.

Lili makes her way down the line, beginning the repetitive interviews. There were so many people with microphones, calling out her name for her to speak to them. She made her way to the first one, beginning the long line of interviews. As she makes her way down the line, she can feel herself getting a little drained. She just wanted to see Cami and Mads. Or Tom.

"Hello my dear."

Lili turns and beams widely up at Robert, who smiles back at her. She holds her arms out and hugs him tightly, "It's so good to see you, it's been too long!"

"Too long!" He states, pulling back still holding her hands. He looks her over, "You look stunning. She looks stunning, doesn't she?"

The interviewer nods and proceeds to talk to Robert for a moment before he turns back to Lili, "I'll meet you inside."

"See you." She smiles, still star struck with the man despite having filmed with him for a month.

The interviewer bids her goodbye and she continues down the line. Soon she reaches the end and heads inside, spotting the girls all off to the side. She rushes over to them, Cami holding out a drink for Lili.

"This is just what I needed." Lili breaths, taking it and drinking it quickly.

"Figured you needed a little courage." She smiles, giving her arms rub, "You look fantastic."

Lili shakes her head, "No, look at you two. You guys are so hot."

Madelaine beams brightly, "We all look hot!"

"Hello ladies!" A booming voice calls.

They turn and see Jacob, Tony, Harrison and Tom make their way forward. They all look good and happy, proud of the achievement they have all made. Tom gives Lili a small smile as he comes to a stop beside her, sipping his drink as the group babbles on excitedly.

He couldn't believe that the premiere was finally here, that he had his own blockbuster movie. And everyone here helped create his dream. His eyes linger on Lili and she feels them, turning and looking at him. She smiles coyly before sipping her drink.

Soon they are all being ushered into the theatre, the main cast standing at the front and doing the introductions. Now that she and a bit of liquid courage and her nerves had disappeared, the excitement of it all settled over Lili. She has just filmed a blockbuster movie in a successful franchise.

They all soon take their seats, Lili sitting between Tom and Cami. Everyone whispers in excitement before the lights dim, the intro playing. Lili's heart warms at the sight and she smiles brightly at the screen. She couldn't believe that she was here, surrounded by amazing people.

Her eyes gaze to the side, seeing the emotional look on Tom's face. She is so proud of him and the work he put into the film. He was really an amazing guy and everyday she falls more and more for him. And in that moment she knew she couldn't wait for the right time, she just had to do what felt right for here.

Looking back to the screen, she reaches over and takes Tom's hand within her own, lacing their fingers. Tom looks down at the unexpected gesture, his heart skipping a beat. Lili looks at the screen, but he can tell by the smile on her face that she was just as nervous as he was.

He couldn't believe it, this being something he only dreamed of. But instead of overthinking it, he decides to live in the moment. They could talk about it after the movie. Right now, he wanted to focus on the amazing movie they made together.

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