19) Introductions

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Tom grows nervous as they drive towards the set of Riverdale. Laura and the others are buzzing with excitement, but Tom is a little anxious. And he can't place as to why that is. It's just Lili, his amazing friend Lili. Lili who he has hung out with everyday for the past five months.

The driver pulls up on set and they all begin to climb out. Tom is the last and he looks around slightly in awe, the diner is set beside a forest and it looks just as amazing in real life as it does on the show. Yes, Tom had caught up on the first season of Riverdale to see what it was all about. Also because he loved watching Lili work.

There's at least thirty people walking around, setting up the cameras for an upcoming shot. People are touching up other people's make up and he spots a very familiar face in the distance. She turns and locks eyes with him, causing his heart to skip a beat.

"Oh my God, you're here!" She screams happily, running away from her make up artist.

Lili's heart screams with delight as she races over to her friends, throwing her arms around Tom's neck. He catches her instantly and beams with a smile, holding her tightly as he closes her eyes.

"I can't believe it." She whispers before pulling back, smiling at him widely. She could never explain it, but Tom always made her feel incredibly happy.

She pulls away and turns to the others, hugging them each tightly with pure excitement. She had anxiously been awaiting their arrival from the minute she suggested they come. She missed her Spiderman family and all the fun shenanigans that came on set. Once she finishes hugging Harrison she turns back and beams at them, "Well guys, welcome to Pop's diner."

"I can't believe I am standing out front of Pop's diner!" Laura cries out happily, clapping her hands with joy.

"Yo, it's just a set." Jacob says and she scowls at him, "So? It's iconic."

Lili laughs and looks back, "Yeah, we're just about to shoot a scene in there. But come, meet some of the cast before we get back into it. They're dying to meet you."

Laura squeals in excitement and latches onto Lili's arm, Zen on the other side. Lili leads the way, the three girls chatting up a storm as they go. Tony, Harrison and Jacob are in a discussion while Tom can't help but keep his eyes locked on the back of Lili's head. The flap of a tent opening draws Tom's attention and he turns, taking the two figures walking out.

"Oh my God, it's Archie Andrews." Laura whisper yells.

Lili chuckles before calling out, "KJ, over here!"

The red headed man turns and spots Lili before making his way over. He comes to a stop and looks around, "So this is the group that you replaced us with?"

"Ha Ha." Lili says with a roll of her eyes, before facing her friends, "Guys, this is KJ. KJ, this is Laura, Zendaya, Jacob, Tony, Harrison and Tom."

He smiles and shakes hands with everyone, his eyes lingering on Tom for slightly longer. KJ had heard a lot about Tom from Lili, as well as from Camila and Madelaine from when they visited Lili in Atlanta. He seemed like a nice guy, but wasn't sure how to take him. After all, Cole is his best friend and this Tom guy might be making a move on his best friend's girl.

"Good to meet you, man." KJ says, giving him a strong shake.

Tom can sense the bit of tension, but gives the newcomer his friendliest smile, "You too mate."

Laura speaks a little breathlessly, "Wow, you're more defined in real life."

Her cheeks flush red and KJ chuckles, giving a wink at the young woman. Laura almost melts on the spot and Lili rolls her eyes at KJ's flirting. Lili turns and looks at them, "KJ and I are about to film a scene with a few of the others. Then I have a three hour break, so we can go and grab some food."

"Thank God, I'm starving!" Jacob whines and Tony frowns at him, "We literally just ate."

Lili chuckles before turning to KJ, "Meet you in there."

"Nice to meet you all." KJ says, his eyes lingering on Laura.

She waves him goodbye and he turns, jogging off towards the diner. Lili laughs at Laura who buries her head in Zen's shoulder out of embarrassment. Lili turns and begins to walk towards the tent, talking to the others, "So you guys can hang out here while we film. We should be about an hour, hope that's okay."

"Of course it is!" Zen exclaims and Tom smiles at her, "We came here to see you, Lil."

She gives him a small smile and turns to open the tent, when another figure walks out. Tom tenses at the sight of him, recognising him instantly. This is the man portraying her onscreen lover, and is her real life ex boyfriend. It is Cole.

Cole smiles at Lili and feels the familiar heartache in his chest whenever he's around her. But he pushes it away and takes in the gang beside her, who eye him all nervously. Most people do that now when they see the two together, expecting things to be awkward. But they aren't, because things could never be awkward between Lili and Cole.

Lili smiles and grabs his arm, "Cole, this is my Spiderman crew. This is Laura, Zendaya, Jacob, Tony, Harrison and Tom."

"Zendaya and I have actually met before." Cole states and Zendaya nods, "Yes, Disney parties were wild."

Cole chuckles before shaking hands with everyone. He saves Tom for last, wanting to spend a bit of extra time on the Brit. Tom shakes his hand firmly, eyeing him too. Cole looks him over and smiles, instantly seeing the charm that he could tell Lili could fall for.

He thought he would be a bit more upset, meeting the guy that flirts openly with his ex. But that's not the case. Instead, he finds that he's happy that she's found someone to make her happy when he cannot. Even though he wishes they were together, they knew they were better apart.

"Sorry to steal her away from you all, but we have a scene to shoot. But relax, enjoy our quaint little set." Cole states, smiling genuinely at the group.

"Thanks man." Harrison says.

Cole nods before turning and walking over to the makeup artist to get last minute touch ups. Lili watches after him for a moment before turning and facing her friends, "Okay guys, I'll see you in an hour."

They all nod, making their way inside as Lili turns and walks over to Cole. He smiles at her as she walks over, his hands tucked into the pockets of Jughead's iconic denim jacket.

"They seem really nice." Cole states and Lili nods, a smile residing on her lips, "They really are."

"I'm glad that you met them." He states and she nods, "Me too."

Cole notices an eyelash on her cheek and reaches up, brushing it away with his knuckles. Lili smiles and it almost feels like an old routine, but it isn't. Cole lowers his hand and smiles at Lili.

Tom watches from his spot in the tent doorway, watching the encounter before him. When he sees Cole brush his fingers over Lili's cheek, an irrational wave of anger comes over him. Even though he can sense Cole is a genuine guy, he doesn't like the thought of him touching her. He doesn't like the thought of anyone touching her.

And then it hits him like a freight train, a connection he never deduced. Tom liked Lili, really liked her. She never failed to bring a smile to his face, to make his heart begin beating wildly in his chest. She was one of his favourite people to be around, never failing to make him laugh. And he wants to spend all his time with her.

But as his eyes land on Cole, he knows how much hurt she has experienced and her vow to never make her work life that complicated again. She didn't want to date her costars, which most definitely included Tom. His heart sinks as he realises that he has fallen for a girl that he can not have.

Cole and Lili turn, making their way into the makeshift diner that is recognisable to millions around the world. And as they disappear from sight, Tom knows he's in for a road of heartache for the girl he is falling for.

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