Chapter 1 - Something Old

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Given the way the sunlight is glaring between the wooden blinds covering my window? I can tell it's morning.

And the difference in the tone of the light reminds me that I'm not in Georgia anymore. Well, that and the fact there's a steady hum of traffic. Plus the ever-present honking of car horns from one block away.

Welcome home, Reedus!

Groaning I roll under the bedclothes and reach for my phone. Press the on button until the display lights up.

Nine AM?


I was hoping for a bit more shut-eye, given it's my first full day home. And my first morning without an early-bird call to the set for filming.

My head flops back down onto my pillow again as I unlock the cell. Hearing the little bips as message notifications merrily ping away. I let out a hoot of laughter, opening one from Andy and seeing the selfie he took of us all together.

Me, him, Greg, Lauren, Mike, Steve and Mel. All grinning with glazed eyes of exhaustion and intoxication. Celebrating not only the end of one tough half-year on location but also my good fortune.

The night before last had been the wrap party. We've now finished filming the second season of The Walking Dead. And boy Oh boy....we sure as hell partied hard. Before going our separate ways until next year.

Shaking my head happily, I let the phone drop onto the bed and gaze at the ceiling.

Musing over the last few hectic months and how much my life has changed. Since that incredible day at the beginning of last year. When my agent, Jo....gave me the awesome news.

I've been acting on and off for the last fifteen years. Both on the stage and in a few movies. Never really taking it too seriously as it was more of a means to an end. Pay checks that let me keep a roof over my head and food in my stomach. While I pursue two of my other great and riding.

No, fuck no....not riding horses!

Shit! Those big lumps of teeth and hooves scare the absolute bejeezus outta me. Always have and probably always will.

AMC, the production company that churns out The Walking Dead? Found that out the hard way this season. When they made my character Daryl Dixon  ride one....before getting tossed off.

Still, it was worth the cuts and bruises I got over those two days. In order to make the scene work.

Hopefully, I'll never have to get back on one of those fuckers ever again. Because they've now given Daryl AKA me an awesome Triumph Bonneville customised chopper to hoon around on.

That's what I mean when I say it's a passion and it has been since my early teens. Riding motorcycles.

The art? Hell, I'm into everything  nowadays. Photography, drawing, painting and sculpting. When I get the time, that is.

And that's just what I plan to do over the next week or so. Cos I've got a shitload of photographs to wade through on my laptop. Most of them were taken in between filming down in Georgia.

The balloon that is my brain eventually floats its way back to earth. And I give a huge sigh of relief, appreciating just how freakin lucky I am right now.

Never even heard of The Walking Dead until two years ago. That's when I found out by chance that AMC was holding casting sessions. And Jo gently pushed me into having a go. Didn't get the part I read for, but I must've given them quite a show at the audition?

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