Chapter 47 - My Words Are My Truth

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"Did Gra....?"

The question died on my lips. When I glance up from rummaging through the chiller bag Kami packed for Norman.

I simply continue to watch him quietly as he stands there in dry boxers. Reaching into his bag after tugging a clean tee over his head. Carelessly brushing the damp strands of hair away from his grinning face.

Quickly wiped my chin and let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness! It's only water dripping from my hair and not drool. Doesn't stop my eyes from returning to get another longing eyeful though.

This man.

This beyond glorious, kind-hearted, romantic, hysterical, frustrating, distracted, other-worldly, mystifying boofhead of a man....

And one who must be plumb exhausted? 

Jumping from one plane to another, heading halfway across the world once more. Then running the gauntlet of my family before risking life and limb on Fluffy.

And finally....having to deal with yours truly. With the added bonus of all the old skeletons rattling around in the closet that is my head.

If those actions alone didn't demonstrate how much he honestly, truly loves me?

It wasn't so much his furious words but the overwhelming pain and fear on his face. Once he finished ripping me a new one. That's what proved it to me beyond all doubt.

Jaysus, Mary and Joseph....seeing him so scared?  I wanted Malingee to make me his own personal biatch in hell forever.

Think that's also why I gave in to my anger maybe? When I finally realised how close I'd come again  to losing my perfectly imperfect....everything. All because I stopped believing....once more.

I screwed up, he screwed the feckin eejits we are. Probably always will be, huh?

Doubt I'll ever truly understand the way he thinks sometimes. But hey, I've got to give my poor Daggy a lot of leeway. After all, he's trying to understand me as well.

But he's my bestest ever friend and I love him, forever. They're truths and they really are simple truths after all. I love Norman and for better or worse, Norman loves me back.

His feckin little eejit just has to keep being brave, believe and not be scared anymore.

Well maybe a little bit scared?

I mean there's still the teensy matter of Scaly Megaturtles. Not to mention outstanding issues like backsides being tanned and another Norman Reedus production i.e the wedding?

Re-wedding? Re-nuptials maybe?  😨

"What's that, Skip?"

He tossed the lighter into his bag and puffed out a stream of smoke. Tilting his head back and squinting my way.

Oh Jeez, can still see his eyes. And the twitch that turns his smile into a proud smirk when he catches me ogling him like this.

I'm truly beyond hope and he'll always bloody know it!

"Did Grampy give you hell when you showed up? What happened with Aunty Nin? We've got steak, snags, bread rolls, spuds, onions and....Oh my God Daggy! We got beers and....Kami's chocolate cake."

Don't know if it's the mention of beers or my voice dipping to a reverential whisper over dessert....that brings him skidding to my side.


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