Chapter 4 - Forever Hold Your Peace

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Crouching by the steps I quickly make the decision. Then pull in a deep breath of courage to ask him.

Never got the chance. Cos he muttered something before barking out an abrupt "Bye"  in my direction. Gave puppy a chin tickle then took off. As if the hounds of hell are nipping at his heels.

That deep breath eventually warbled out a pitiful "Bye"  in response.

"Dammit! Undo will you?  Oh....sorry Puppy. Wasn't getting stroppy at you."

There's just no way I can think of this drooly little darling as a 'Fang'  of all things!

My shaking fingers stop worrying away at his leash that's still attached to the railing. Reach down to give his little head a loving pat instead.

It's only then that I cave.

Turn my head to watch him as he almost bolts down the street and around the corner. When he's finally out of sight? I twist around and plant my bum on the lowest step of the building he emerged from.

What in the feckin feck just feckin happened, Finleigh?

I feel like a mime artist. Raising my hands and eyebrows while shrugging my shoulders in sync. As if to say 'I tell me'!

The look on that poor man's face. Once I explained, very badly mind you....that I actually wanted him to take a photo of me. It's no wonder he dropped down to pat puppy.

Cos his cheeks and neck turned two shades darker than a traffic stop light. And he tried so desperately to hide it.

Then took off like a racehorse, as soon as he could decently get away from us.

Probably just as well though, huh?

Because it saved me  from the embarrassment of hearing his refusal. After I'd stupidly plucked up the courage to ask him. If he'd like to have his coffee....

....with me that is.

To say thank you again for taking such a beautiful photo.

Ooooh. You're so feckin lucky that a liar's pants don't actually  catch fire, Fin!

You just wanted to be in his company for a bit longer. So you could take your time. Have a really good look at the man whose sexy voice almost turned your insides....out. And whose hands pulled you in tight against an incredibly firm bod.

Whilst he lay his head against yours.

At least, I think that's what he did? I'm still too confused at what's gone down in a matter of mere minutes to even know.

Maybe I'm just imagining it?

"Eejit....look for yourself!"

Puppy didn't jump at my exclamation this time. His head had flopped down onto a boot and now he's having a little snooze.

I carefully reach for my bag and extract the phone. Taking care not to wake him up until I'm ready....and find my feet again.

He'd taken a couple of pics of us together and I enlarge one slightly until he fills the screen.

Ok! Hadn't imagined it after all.

There I am, smiling automatically like a dickhead. Whilst he almost smoulders into the lens. Early to mid-thirties, I guess? Looks tired somewhat.

Maybe that's why he came across as a bit grumpy to start with....when I made my request?

Under the cap, his lightish brown hair is a bit straggly and damp. Obviously just come out from a morning shower as well. He'd certainly smelt of soap, deodorant and....himself?

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