Chapter 38 - This Circle Is Without End

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Is there an exorcist in the house?

I swear by all that is holy I levitated a foot above the bed. And if Norman hadn't stopped when he did? My head would've started the obligatory 360-degree spins as well until I passed out.

Fitting accompaniments to my speaking....ummmm....screaming in tongues.


Translation:  Goodness gracious me, Norman! I must say, you're extremely talented indeed. But please forgive me if I just have a little out-of-body experience right now. I'll be right back, just catching my breath is all. So don't you go anywhere cos we sure as hell ain't done yet. Not by a country mile.

No sireeee!

Honestly! Sometimes I reckon I should take out a restraining order against my own imagination. Because reality sure is ruling so far.

A girl can only have so many cold showers. And being around Norman? Well, there's a limit on how many of those you can have....EACH AND EVERY FECKIN DAY!

So I have to admit that I've actually ummmm....popped the cork on my lonesome to that imagination a couple of times. Ever since our very first kiss.

OK, before that even.

But in my own self-defence, I was sound asleep and dreaming on those  occasions. So they don't really they?  😜


When my lids eventually open, to see my one and only real-life Daggy smiling lopsidedly down at me. I almost passed out for real.

Catch that look in his eyes. The one that's been there every single day since he told me he loves me.


Jaysus I love him....every single eejit bit of him. And I want every single remaining eejit bit of him NOW!

"Puh....puh....please Norman?"  I beg, spreading my legs further until I feel his hips settle against the inside of my thighs.

His lips land on mine and I taste myself on his tongue when he starts to push into me.

Tried to anyways. His mouth clenched slightly against mine when my teeth bit down a little without me realising.

"Fin? You''ve never....?"

"Yes....No....I mean....Oh....I DON'T KNOW! "

"But....I mean....I know I said I didn't want to know about previous partners and that. But haven't you ever....?"

Thank goodness he didn't see my look of inner exasperation. Lovelust frustration almost. But I can't stop him from hearing a bit of it in my, maybe....slightly sarcastic response?

"Daggy, do you think we can have that  particular little conversation at a more convenient time? Because right now? There's something else I truly feel has a much  higher priority."

"So if you don't mind can we just keep going....please?  I love feckin eejit. Everything's Ok. Very much more than Ok in fact."

"No, it's not fucking Ok, Fin! How can it be, if I'm hurting you?"

Norman pulled away almost in fear? And I could've screamed when he rolled away completely onto his back. Going by the look on his face now, he's starting to psych himself out altogether.

A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now