Chapter 7 - We Give Thanks

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"It isn't fucking funny. Stop laughing and gimme another beer!"

Paul rocked in his chair. Almost toppling it over backwards when he went to wipe away the hysterical tears.

Helena lay her forehead on the dining table and started banging it with her fist. In sync with her giggling snorts.

Giving up I open the fridge, grab myself a brewski and pop the lid. Eventually, they both calm down a bit.

"Are you kids finished now?"  I sat again, rolling my eyes before a grin finally broke out on my face.

I was in the middle of telling them about my encounter yesterday morning. My monumental 'getting the wrong end of the stick'  screw-up.

"But didn't she think it was a bit, you know....weird? That you  took photos as well, Norm? Hey, give us a look!"  Paul demanded.

I unlock my phone, locate the pics I copied from my camera and hand it to him. His eyebrows flew up in surprise and admiration before passing it over to Hel.

"My goodness, get a load of those eyes! Shame she isn't a bit taller, otherwise I'd be handing this over to my agency. They'd get her on their books pronto. What beautiful hair, skin....and that smile?"

She handed my phone back and I snuck in one last look before switching off the screen. As I did, we heard the sound of the front door opening. I jumped to my feet and leapt into the hallway.

"DAD!"  Mingus yelled before launching himself into my arms.

They fold their way around him as I smother his head in kisses and start rocking.

Swear that kid has grown since I saw him last.

"How you doing, Mingo? Still thrashing the chessmen down in the park?"

"Yeah, sorry I'm late home. Went down for a couple of games and forgot the time."

"It's Ok, kiddo....all good."

Giving him another kiss we walked back into the kitchen. Where he high-fived Paul and hugged his Mom. Before handing over a bag of slightly squished dinner rolls.

"Sorry, Mom. Mr Howard almost sat on them. What's for dinner? Do I have enough time to play a few games with Dad?"

"Carbonara and you've got half an hour. Enough time to kill a few aliens I'm sure"  She winked as Ming grabbed my hand and dragged me to his bedroom.


I sank onto his bed and gazed around the room while he fired up his PlayStation.

One wall is almost covered with family photos. Snaps of the two of us that I'd taken and blown up for him. Pictures that span his entire nine years of growing up.

Another is plastered with basketball memorabilia. Which reminds me? I gotta get my P.A, renew our courtside seats at the Gardens for the rest of the season.

"Can we still go to Coney tomorrow, Dad?"  Ming begged as he handed over the controls.

"You betcha. I'll check the weather to see if we can go on my bike. That Ok with you, bud?"

"Cool"  I heard a note of hesitation in his voice before he continued.

"So, it'll just be you and me then. Not Cece? "

That question threw me and I got wiped out of the game.

"It's always just you and me, Ming. Unless you say otherwise. Why would you think Cece is coming too?"

A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now