Chapter 10 - Dearly Beloved

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"If them fingers so much as move another inch towards that cake? I'm gonna smother you both in honey and dunk you in a tub full of pop rocks!"

" did you know're not even looking at us? "

Freddie giggled as he grabbed his tablet off the kitchen bench. Then wandered over to the sofa, dragging Mellie in his wake.

"Because she's a three-eyed raven. Just like Bran Stark....and your Momma"  Meeka laughed as her stilettos clattered down the stairs.

"Ooooh, that looks delish. Sorry I'm late,'s like a slushy out there. And how did ya know exactly?"  She ended in a whisper, tugging my head towards hers so she can kiss it.

"Saw their reflections in the splashback as they were sneaking up. Don't apologise, it's no biggie. And I just rang Ed to let him know. I'll finish washing this lot then get a move on."

" get your mitts off too!  That one is for dinner with the boys tonight. Yours is up in your fridge already and there's a Cacciatore keeping warm in the oven."

"Hope that eejit appreciates the hell right outta ya when ya eventually find him, Fin. Cos we sure as hell do. C'mon, monkeys. Upstairs now....we gotta early flight tomorrow and I haven't even started packing for Gran's yet."

"Excuse me....did you two forget something?"

After smothering us both in hugs and kisses, they clattered up the stairs while Meek and I collapsed on the couch. I can afford five minutes to have a break. Before I call for a cab and get ready to leave.

"If you're not too tired when you get home, mosey on up? We haven't been able to jaw much this week. And what with visiting Geraldine then meeting Seth down in Texas? It'll be a couple more weeks until I see you again. Miss ya face already."

"I'll never be too tired for you. Sorry, this week was a bit hectic. But one biggie can't wait until later. Patrick called just after you business visa has come through."

"Oh, hun....that must be a huge load off your mind?"

"It sure was getting close to the wire cos the grace period on my work visa expires next week. Bless Win for recommending him. He's such a sweety....and sure knows his immigration law. Got things done in double quick time with no fuss."

"I can't work under this one but at least it'll give me another six months. So I can find a job with an employer who's willing to sponsor another work visa."

"So, this morning's interview was a bust then?"  She sympathised.

"Yeah, but at least it was a bit of a confidence boost. They said they'd take me on in a heartbeat, but they've already used up their quota of work visas. Told me to call straight away if I get residency or whatever."

"Fin....if you haven't got a placement when it expires? We'll put you on the books with Seth's company, mine or both even. Each of us can use someone with your expertise."

I give Meek a huge kiss on the cheek before wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

"I love you and Seth so much. Thank you for such a beautiful offer....but no."

"You're my bestie and that's the way I want it to stay. I'm not going to mix business with friendship and risk losing you all. I said the same to Win and Ed's when they offered as well."

"Something will come up soon, you'll see. But I can still help you guys out, gratis. Nothing stopping me from doing that and it'll keep me busy too."

She sighed and pulled me even closer.

A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now