Chapter 37 - With My Body....I Thee Worship

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When the bathroom door closed behind Fin this morning?

I accepted that it's time to put the fiendish plan I embarked upon weeks ago to bed....once and for all.

Literally speaking too of course.

If Mom or Hel knew how much I've been tormenting the feck out of Skip? They'd rip me such a new one....I'd need reconstructive surgery. But they'll also know exactly why I'm doing it and cut me a little slack.

Very little probably.


Tucking Mr Happy down forcefully between my thighs, I throw on her wrap for good measure.

'Don't want to scare the bejeezus out of I have Fin'  I thought, racing downstairs to the kitchen.

"Bebe, I gotta huge favour to ask. It's no problem if you can't given the late notice and all. But I was wondering if I could take you up on your kind offer? Having Ming over to stay with you and your kids."

"Tonight maybe?"

Feel a huge pang of guilt. For basically offloading my own son in order to have some personal time out. But if he knew why he'd understand.

No, I ain't gonna tell him....fuck no!

We're as close as a son and Dad can ever be, but Jeez.

When he's a bit older and we start talking some more about these kinda things? I'll let him know why his old man needs to get a bit selfish sometimes. And that it'll be Ok for him to do the exact same when he needs to.

Anyways, he's been bugging me about going to stay with them ever since Bebe floated the idea. Thought it'll be best to wait until the others have gone though. So we can all be together for the week.

"Meester Normoon, we love to have Meengoose. Eeeet is for the thanks too from Bebe. Yoo make me so happy for my Manoo, I thought I never see heem again."

Fuck I love listening to her accent whenever she speaks English. And Ming cracks up every time she says his name  🤣

"Meengoose will come weeth us for the two night yes? So yoo and Meesus Feefee be verrrry  happy too. I make the food first and put in the freege. Then we leave when yoo go for the deener."

"Come, I show yoo where fresh sheets live. Yoo know how to make bed, yes?"

Bebe laughed once I got her drift. And the blush crept up my face even more, when she made a point of showing me there's several sets of linen.

Little does she know though? That if all goes well I'm not planning on just keeping Fin in bed for the next two days.

No Ma'am!


I was on such an incredible fucking high when we returned to the villa after 'deener'  that I almost forgot. What's finally going to happen.

Then Skip unwittingly reminded me. When she got herself all caught up while undressing....called out for help.

Seeing her again, naked as the day she was born with all her curves and skin and wild hair and flirty mouth?

Whoa boy!

I tried not to laugh and instead acted shocked when she told me that we're all on our lonesome. Like it's her  fiendish little plan....payback almost?

Told me how she's gonna fuck me and scream and beg. Right then? The love I have for me little divil almost made me pass out.

But I also remember the real reason I've been driving Skip up the wall for so long. So that when she finally sees me in all my  glory?

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