I'm Not Bloody Crazy!

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-Your pov-

He passed out from the pain, and I could feel blood dripping down my back. I put his arm around my shoulders, and start to stand up. Pain shoots through my bloody as my back moves against my shirt.

I start staggering forward, and I drag him with me. He yells out in pain, and regret and guilt floods me.

I hear shouting from a distance, and I know that someone is coming. I feel him waking up as I carefully try and lay him down.

"Ahhh!" He yells out again.

"Newt!" Minho yells, slightly closer than last time.

I roll Newt onto his back, and he bits his lip to not yell out in pain. I brush his hair back with my hand, and whisper into his ear.

"You'll be fine. Your safe." I say.

I pull away, trying to not cringe in pain again. I stand up slowly, and watch him look at me with questions filling his eyes.

He opens his mouth. "Who are you?" He gasps out.

I smirk, and turn away from him. As I walk away, about to turn a corner to where he fell. I look over my shoulder. 

"Wouldn't you like to know."

I fully turn the corner, and I hear him shouting for me to stop. I start climbing up the wall, and I hiss every time my back stretches. 

I pull myself up, and look over the opposite edge. Minho is next to Newt, asking what happened. But Newt is yelling for me to come back, but then stops.

"We gotta get you to the Med-Jacks. That leg of your doesn't shucking look good." Minho said, while picking Newt up.

"Put me down! We need to go and get her! She's going to be stuck with the Grievers!" Newt yells, reaching behind Minho.

"Great he's gone crazy." Minho mutters.

"I'm not Bloody Crazy!  Their is a girl!" Newt yells.

Minho knocks him out by hitting him with the butt of his knife.

"Sorry Shank." He says, and then starts running towards the Glade.

I follow, slightly slower due to my injured back. I jump again, and make the landing. But taking a shaky breath to take my mind off of the pain.

I pull my bag to my side, and shuffle through it. I sit down, and take my bag off along with my shirt. Leaving me in my bra. I slowly open the small compact mirrors, putting one behind my back. And the other I hold in my hand.

I start angling the mirror, and then see my back. Its covered in blood, and some dirt, and some scratches. But its hard to tell what is deep, and what isn't.

I reach over for my water bottle, and open it. I poor a little bit on my back and tears are brought to my eyes. I take a deep breath in again, and poor more.

"Amhhp!" I scream in pain but muffle it in my hand.

Tears poor down my cheeks again, and I look at my back again.

It's not as dirty, but the blood is still dripping down my back. I grab my shirt and hold it up, noticing the rip in the back.

"Shit." I mutter, as I start to search for something to wear.

-Newt pov-

I groan as I hear a ringing sound in my ears. I try to open my eyes, but its to bright for my eyes.

I hear someone trying to talk to me, but the words are being drowned out by the ringing. I squint up to try and see who's talking but they are blurred too.

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