Back to the Maze

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-Your pov-

"Wait, theirs a girl!!!" I yell at Minho.

~Flash back~

I get off of Newt and help him stand up. He picks up my braid and smiles, before letting it go.

"Alright stop it with the lovey dovey eyes. You shanks make me want to throw up." Minho says.

I roll my eyes. "Slim it Minho. Now tell me how Alby is." I say.

Minho nods and his attitude changes within an instant.

"The box came back up today, right after we came back. Inside we found a girl, and she said Thomas's name and passed out. Then when she woke up she pretty much threw a big fit. She started throwing rocks and stuff at us. And then Thomas when up and talked to her-"

"Okay, I asked about ALBY. Not some random chick. Now tell me how he is!" I interrupt.

I feel Newt's hand on my back. He moves his hand in circular motions to calm me down. Thankfully it works. I turn to him and give him a small smile.

"I was getting their YN. Anyway, after they talked. Thomas showed up at the Med-Jacks with some blue liquid. And turns out it was in her pocket the whole time. And then we decided to inject Alby with it." Minho said.

I look at him with shock on my face. "And is he okay? Or did you just kill him?" I said panicking.

Minho sighed. "He's fine. Turns out it was the cure for the Griever stings. Here, this is the one we used on Alby. We have one more, so we hope that either no one else gets stung. Or we might not be able to save them if their is more than one."

I take the small, thin silver tube. I turn it over and notice the words written on it.

"W.C.K.D. W.I.C.K.E.D. They must have sent this up with her. Was their anything else with her?" I ask.

Newt nodded. "Ya, their was this note. It said, 'She's the last one Ever' on it."

"What the bloodie hell does that mean?" I ask as my face scrunched up in confusion.

Minho, Chuck, and Newt laughed at me. I look at them with a brow raised. "What's so shucking funny?"

Newt wraps his arms around my waist, and puts his chin on my shoulder. "That's exactly what I had said when I read it." He said.

I give a small 'oh'  and chuckle. Then I realize something.

"Wait, theirs a girl!!!" I yell at Minho.

~End of Flash back~

Minho nods. "Yep, a shucking girl."

I smile brightly. "I'm not the only girl anymore!"

Newt chuckles. "Yep, and when you finally come out of the maze and into the Glade. Then you can spend the entire time braiding each others hair. I have the feeling you to will be great friends."

I smile at him, and lean back against his chest. "I love you Newtie."

"I love you too Love." He replys.

Chuck suddenly yawns and I smile. "Need me to sing you to sleep Chuck?" I ask.

He nods slightly.

He sits down in the Hammock in the corner, waiting for me to sing so that he can go to bed. I smile and start slowly swaying my hips.

His Glue {Newt x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now