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-Newt pov-

YN's eye's closed, and her body went limp. My eyes widened in panic, and tears poured down my cheeks.

"NO! YN!" I cry.

Minho crouches next to me, and puts a hand on her neck. "She's alive. We need to wrap the wound, and get the shuck out of here."

I nod slightly, and watch as Minho goes through YN's bag. He pulls out some cloth, and looks at me.

"Newt, help sit her up."

I nod again, and carefully sit her up. Her head falls forward,  and Minho ties the cloth around the wound. He sighs, and lowers her shirt covering the bandage on her lower back.

"Alright. Let's get out of here." Thomas says.

I picked up YN bridal style. Her head leaning on my shoulder, and her arms limp at her side. Her hair perfectly framing her face.

We start walking, and come to a tunnel. We walk to the right path, and find a door with a 'Exit' sign above it.

"Really?" Fry says.

I chuckle slightly, and Thomas opens the door.

-Thomas pov-

Blinking lights, bodies on the floor, and blood surrounding them. We walk into the room, and I see Newt kick the gun away from a body.

"What the bloody hell happened here?" He asks.

I shrug, and walk around slowly. Remembering the times that I was here, watching everyone in the Glade. I look at Teresa, who was across from me. In the place where she had sat before we went to the maze.

I look down at the panel, and click the red button. A screen pops up, and static happens.

Then her face pops up.

~Time skip cause she talks to much~

"W.I.C.K.E.D is good."

Then I heard a gun shot, as I turn my head away. I open my eyes, and see her at the desk, her body on the floor.

"What the bloody hell does she mean my special?" Newt asks.

"More like. What are we going to do?" Minho asks.

I look at them as they look at me. I glance at YN, who was still passed out in Newt arms.

"I dunno. I guess, we can leave." I say.

They nod, and I catch Newt pecking YN's forehead.


We turn around and see Gally pointing a gun at me.

"Gally." I mutter.

"We can't leave." He says. His eye's tearing up.

I shake my head confused. "What do you mean? We can leave Gally. We're free." I say.

I take a step forward, a d Teresa pulls my arm. I look at her, and see her gesturing at Gally. I look back at him, and notice the sting on his neck.

"He's been stung." Newt says.

He looks down at YN, worry and fear written on his face.

"No we can't leave. We belong to the maze." Gally cries.

I shake my head. "No Gally. We can leave, W.I.C.K.E.D. can't control us anymore."

He glares at me. "I belong to the maze. And so do you."


Gally shoots the gun, and I feel myself getting pushed out of the way. I look at Gally, and see a pole sticking out of his chest. He drops the gun, and falls to his knees. Then he falls to his side.

His Glue {Newt x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now