Flip them the Bird!

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-Minho pov-

YN. The girl who has lived in the maze, before Alby even arrived in the Glade. She knows every twist an turn in that shucking maze. And she knows the patterns for every time it changes.

Me and Alby have been meeting her in secret, and Newt is always next to her. We meet in the runner hut, where only runners can go. And she is a runner in our eyes.

For two weeks, she would help guide me through the maze. From the top of it. She warned me when I was about to enter a grievers territory. And she would warn me when it was time to go back.

We've been mapping the maze, and it's been going faster now that YN is here. She helps a lot, and she even showed me where she stays.

And she makes this brown sauce,  and it's soooo shucking good. She calls it chocolate sauce. But its made from nuts, and it becomes a powder. Then she does this thing , and it becomes a sauce!

When I told Newt, he laughed at me. Saying he's been having it the entire time he's known her. Lucky Shank.

"Minho! You need to head back soon! So stop day dreaming, and get a move on!" YN yelled from the top of the maze.

I glare at her. "Slim it YN! I want another glass of the sauce when I see you again! Your not the one who's gonna be killed by Grievers if you stay in the maze."

I hear her sigh as I continue to run back to the glade.

"Fine, I'll bring the sauce. You happy?" She shouts.

I look over my shoulder and smirk. "Yep!"

I hear her laugh, and I see the doors of the Glade. I no longer see her, and I walk out of the maze.

"Hey Minho!" Alby says as I jog to him.

"Did you find the last of it?" He asks quietly.

I nod. "We have the last of the maze. YN told me where the doors are located. But she can't figure out how to open them up." I mutter.

He nods, and pushes me towards the runner room.

I run through the woods, and soon reach the runner house. I open the door, grabbing some small sticks on the table next to me. I walk to the table in front of me, and pull the white sheet off of the table.

I take some string and start tying the stcks together. Weaving them to the ones already placed.

"That one's suppose to be on the other side." A voice says behind me.

I jump up, and turn around. Only to see YN leaning against the door.

"Really? That's not what I mapped." I say pulling out my paper.

She walks over to me, and flicks my forehead. "And you have the paper upside down, Shuck-Face."

I rub my head and smirk at her. "Your using Glader slang. Must be getting use to us."

She glares at me, and fixes the wall. "Maybe, but don't start thinking about me staying here. I'm not a glader."

I smirk and wrap my arm around her shoulder. "But you already are a glader to me, and Alby."

She rolls her eyes, and shoves my arm off. "And what about Newt?" She asks.

I shrug and grin at her. "What about him?"

She plays with her hair, hiding her  face from me slightly. But the blush is seen throught her hair.

"What does. . . .he think of . . .me?" She says slowly.

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