The Night in the Maze

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-Your pov-

I had ran right after I had spoke to Thomas. But then Kevin stopped following me at some point. And I'm worried for Thomas and Minho.

I had climbed the walls, after I had realized that Kevin was gone. I ran over the maze walls, and nearly feel when I felt the walls move under me.

I stumbled forward, and catch myself before I can fall over the edge. I look down below and saw Minho running through the maze doors. I look to my left, and saw Thomas waiting.

"Come on Thomas!" Minho yelled.

Thomas looked back and forth between Minho and the other part of the Maze.

"Come and get me!" Thomas yelled.

I hear the sound of Kevin screeching, and he starts running. I soon see Kevin running after Thomas, and I realize what was happening.

"I'm sorry Kevin." I whisper.

I get away from the edge, and run towards the wall to my right. I hear Minho scream Thomas's name, and I jump onto the next wall.

I land and do a roll, and land flat on my back. I crawl to the edge and see Thomas and Minho both safe. I smile, and slowly make my way down. I slide down the vines quietly, and touch the ground carefully.

I sigh softly, and turn around. I see Thomas getting up off the ground, and Minho turning around. I smile as he gapes at me.

Thomas looks up at me and stares at me, with his mouth open slightly.

"Who- who are you?" He asks.

I smirk. "I'm Yn. And your welcome for earlier. But lets go and get Alby. More Grievers might come, and that vine won't hold him forever." I say.

Minho nods, and hugs me tightly.  "I was worried about you. And so was a certain someone." He says as he pulls away and smirks at me.

I roll my eyes, and push him away. "Go ahead and tell Chuck and Newt that I'm fine. And that I'll see them later."

He nods, and we start running. Thomas runs after us, and looks between me and Minho.

"What? Wait how are your here? I thought their was never a girl in the Glade." He says.

I laugh out loud.

-Thomas pov-

YN laughed out loud, and then looked at Minho.

"He asks a lot of questions,  doesn't he." She says.

Minho chuckles and nods. We turn a corner, and head back to Alby. At least I hope we can, cause I don't remember where he is.

"Umm, do you know where your going? Or where Alby is?" I ask.

She giggles, and I felt something squeeze my heart. I look at her and see the moon reflecting off of her face. Her eye's seem to glitter, and I find myself staring at her as were running.

"Of course I do! After all I've lived here for all of my life." She said.

I feel myself feet trip over the other, and I catch myself before I can fall. I look up at her, and see her looking back at me with a small smirk on her face.

"You alright Greenie?" Minho asks.

I nod and look at YN again. "Ya. But what do you mean, about being here your entire life? I thought the Alby was the first Glader." I ask as I continue to run with them.

"I mean that I've lived in the maze for the most of my life. I never said that I was a Glader." She said as she looked forward again.

"Ohh..." I say.

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