Chapter 10

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Finn's mind was made up. He did not want to leave the people who welcomed him with opened arms in their time of need, but Rey had been captured by the First Order before and had been tortured. If he could prevent that from happening again to the girl that saved his life on Starkiller base, than he would. Even if he'd regret it the rest of his life.

He couldn't ask for directions to the escape pods or else he probably would be thrown in the brig, so he just walked around and made logical turns and soon enough he found himself near the pods.

As he opened the door to the chamber he thought he could make out voices, but as he entered he soon realized it was someone sobbing. He guessed this person was one of the pod guards. He felt terrible for not comforting them, but if they're distracted then he could walk right by.

This is what he attempted. He casually, but briskly walked by them as if he were supposed to. He didn't even look at them to not give them any suspicion. Out of the corner of his eye he could tell they were a human female and that she was holding something that was hanging around her neck.

He had made it to the pod, opened it, activated it, and threw his bag in there when the guard appeared behind him with some sort of weapon.

"What are you doing here?"

Finn jumped, making him hit his head on the top of the pod above him. He turned around to see the guard.

The woman was about five foot one or two. She had dark, wiry, shoulder length hair, although some was held back. She did not have a soldiers build like any female Stormtrooper he knew, and she wasn't scrawny like Rey, but still looked strong under her baggy jumpsuit. Her skin was light but had a different under tone than Rey's or his own.

And her eyes. Her pupils were a very dark brown, so close to black that they trapped your soul. The skin around her eyes were beautiful but puffy and reddish from crying. The skin slanted up at the very edge, and there was almost something almost seductive about them.

Finn then realized he was staring and that the woman holding some sort of taser had asked him a question. A question that if answered truthfully would get him thrown in the brig. Although just hitting his head, his thoughts were a little scrambled so he said the first things that came to mind.

"Hi. I was, ummm, just doing a-"

He was stammering badly, but she didn't seem to notice, she instead cut him off.

"You're Finn. The Finn!"

Finn was now more confused than ever.

"The Finn?"

"Sorry, I work behind pipes, wires, and circuitry all day. Doing talking with Resistance heroes is not my forte."

Finn watch as the woman got embarrassed and confused in her point. Under her breath she finished.

"Doing-doing talking..."

She put out her hand, Finn took it.

"I'm Rose. Rose Tico."

After letting go, Finn put up his own hands to signal her it was ok to calm down. Tears were still in her eyes and he wanted to comfort her, even if he needed her to go away.


She took a few breaths and looked a bit better, but Finn needed her to go, now.

"Look, I'm not a Resistance hero, but it was nice talking to you Rose."

The phrase Leia and Poe both used popped in his head, and he felt it was the proper way to end this encounter.

"May the force be with you."

"Wow, you too."

She turned around and started walking away. As soon as Rose had her back turned Finn turned around himself and had just taken on step closer back to the pod when he felt Rose turning, so he spun on his heel.

"Okay, but you are a hero! You left the First Order, and what you did on Starkiller Base-"

Finn tried to cut her off."


But she just kept talking.

"When we heard about it, Paige, my sister, said, 'Rose, that's a real hero. Knows right from wrong, and don't run away when it gets hard,' she said."

Finn was shaking his head and said, 'No,' somewhere in there but he was just getting embarrassed and guilty by her words, but also a bit desperate. At the end of her mini rant she took back out her taser stick thing, waved it at him expressively, and continued talking.

"You know, just this morning I've had to stun three crew members trying to jump ship in these escape pods."


Yes, they were running away."

"That's disgraceful."

"I know."

Finn noticed Rose looking into the pod, he shifted his position so that his body was in the way of his bag.

"Well, I should get back to what I was doing."

His cover up wasn't good however and she wasn't buying his charm anymore.

"What were you doing?"

Finn started stuttering.

"Checking. Just checking, the...uh, the pods, doing a check."

Rose's face was now void of excitement and wonder, and was instead replaced with seriousness and disbelief.

"Checking the escape pods?"

"Routine check."

"By boarding one, with a packed bag."

"Ok, listen-"

But instead she teased him with her stunner into the back of the pod with great force. Finn would only feel this pain later because the second the bolt hit him everything went black.

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