Chapter 26

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On the bridge of the Supremacy, Hux stood next to Commander Yago with a devilish smirk on his face.

"Has the detection algorithm our spy provided proven to be useful?"

"To a degree General, three transport vessels are still on route to the Crait's surface, however from there size I estimate they only hold a total of 40 percent or less of the Raddus' crew. Should we not just use a laser canon and blast the ships, and surface to ash?"

"No, the very spy that gave us there location, and how to track there escape shuttles, is down there and I will not lose another loyal comrade today if I can help it Commander. Fire on the ships, and prepare a landing party."

"Yes General."

Yago wished to smack Hux's selfish, and arrogant face so hard that it would break his own hand, but the Supreme Leader's favouritism of the young General was well know and Yago did not wish to lose his ship, the only thing he had that Hux did not. He settled just for the mental image of shooting Hux through the chest with his personal blaster.

"Shall we also obliterate the Raddus?"

"It's empty, no need to waste costly ammunition."

Finn was jolted awake by the sound of a turbolader blast, and several impacts to there shuttle. Panicking Poe ran to the window, BB-8 close behind him. To his horror, when he looked up he saw that the debris crashing into them was the fiery remains of the transport above them.

"No, no, no, no, no, no. Beebee-Ate with me."

As Poe ran to the bridge entrance, with his droid by his side, Finn came up behind him.

"What is it, what do you need?"


Poe flung the door open, causing the frightened pilot to quickly turn to face him, with her hands not on the controls, the transport flung to the left. An instant later a laser past right where they were.

Poe grabbed the pilot by the collar, and pulled her out of her seat, and took over flying.

"Beebee-Ate, see if you can give us more power. This ship was only made for steady inclines and declines, but let's how fast she can really go."

Poe could only hope Threnalli was doing the same bellow them, he couldn't lose another pilot, he couldn't lose another friend.

With just the raising of one finger both Ben, and Rey's restraints unlocked and fell to the floor. The black stone tiles were so smooth, and polished that they reflected, just like the dark mirror on Ahch-To. Although Snoke had stepped down from his throne, he still stood quite a distance from them. Pointing at Rey, he spoke.

"Come closer child."

He was speaking calmly but his voice boomed in the large throne room. Rey, fully aware of the danger she was in, did not comply, and stood her ground. Snoke was annoyed at her resistances but simply spoke in response.

"Darkness rises, and the light to meet it. As my power and armies grew, I knew a light counterbalance would form. Despite the darkness in himself, Kylo had been concerned for sometime now of the balance of the force being shattered, but only recently he realized that has always been what I've wanted all along. I have spent the last two decades eradicating every light force that could threaten my darkness."

Ben spoke, followed by Rey.

"You cast the lightning, burning Luke's temple to the ground."

"And that is why you prioritized destroying the Resistance when so few days ago every member of the First Order was after Luke Skywalker."

"I have done far more than that, you small minded fools. I turned the Knights of Ren to solely practice darkness, I ensured the destruction of the New Republic no matter what, and It was I who bridged your minds at key moments to ensure that young Kira would die. Did you really think I did not feel the change in you Solo, I sensed the fading of Kylo Ren, and your scheming the moment they occurred."

"Luke still lives, his light is stronger than when I first came to his island."

"His fate is sealed, and I have confidence his twin's spark will fade with his. Now young Kenobi, I said closer!"

Rey desperately tried to resist his force control over her, but her feet began to walk without her willing them to. She reached an arm back for Ben, but similarly how she was being pulled, he was frozen in a kneeling position. Her legs finally stopped when she was right in front of Snoke. She now found herself also frozen in place.

"I See it now, I see the Kenobi in your face, however the most of him that I see in you is your control over your own actions. I am glad that will die with you."

"You underestimate the light, it's small but powerful. It is strong in the Resistance, it is strong in Ben Solo, and it is strong in me. And my name is Rey!"

"Young fool, combined they might rival some of my assets, but separated I am far more powerful than you, and I am definitely more powerful than him."

Snoke pointed a boney finger at Ben.

"He is weak, and more pathetic than you can imagine. He is more conflicted than when I first met him."

Blue Lightning, aimed at Ben, shot out of his fingers. Ben was still frozen in place on his knees so all he could do was scream. Rey could not turn around to watch, but see could sense his great agony. However that was not all that she could sense, she could feel Snoke's dark lightning forcing the darkness within him to surface and erupt. Ben screamed more, but now they were more screams of rage than pain.

Finally Snoke stopped. Using the force he turned Rey around to see the smouldering Solo rising to his feet, his eyes almost flaming with hate and anger.

"Welcome back apprentice, now it is your turn."

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