Chapter 12

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Under the shadow of the Millennium Falcon, Chewbacca sat in front of the fire he had struggled to build. The island had almost no trees, he now understand why the villager's huts were made from stone and the porg nests were made of tall grass. The little wood he found from weak saplings and some shrubs didn't even want to ignite because of all the rain. He had to eventually use some flammable liquids on the Falcon to get it started.

His struggles were about to be paid off however, because he had easily captured a pudgy porg. He cleaned it, put it on a spit over the fire, and it was almost ready to eat. The ships rations were very nutritious, but had no flavour, so Chewbacca welcomed the change.

He took the spit off the flame and gave it a sniff. It was finished, nicely crisped, and it appeared to be cooked all the way through.

He brought the roasted porg to him mouth when he saw something out of the corner of his eye. A small group of porgs had gathered by the fire and were staring up at Chewie with their huge eyes. These birds did not seem to have a fear of bipeds, but were quite sad looking at there roasted friend.

The groups stares were making him feel uneasy. There eyes were so round and wet, there mouths quivering as they stared up at Chewbacca.

He roared at them, striking enough fear into them that they all flew away, but the damage was done. He could not eat the perfectly roasted porg. Chewbacca set it aside and just started thinking. He had not had this amount of time to think since Han's death.

In his deep thought he barely noticed someone climbing the Falcon's ramp, he just assumed it was Rey. He was wrong.

Luke reminiscently walked through the round main hallway of the falcon. At some point some of the rooms used to be crew quarters, but Luke never knew those days, Han might not have even know those days. Now almost every room was filled with parts, junk and mementos, or were extensions of the hyperdrive. Only one quarter remained, the captains quarters, and it remained unused.

This ship had been Luke's ticket off his desert home world all those years ago. With nothing to lose he was flung into a galactic civil war that would lead him to his friends, sister, father, and destiny. Or so he had thought when he was still so young.

This had been where Luke took his first lightsaber training session with Ben Kenobi. Had his first force connection with his father Darth Vader. This was where he knew he was on the right path.

Now he was in the cockpit, the closest thing Han felt was a home. Luke remembered all the adventures they had together in this small space, they had averted death many times. Luke also remembered how a young Ben Solo used to play with Han all around the ship. Han, Leia, and Luke would playfully chase him until he hid in this very cockpit. Those were the good days however, and they were very far and in between.

Before the Academy-

Before Ben-

Before Han-

Luke noticed the old golden dice Han had used decades ago to win the Millennium Falcon from Lando Calrissian. They meant a lot to Han. Luke carefully took them off there hook and moved them around in his metal hand. The artificial flesh had been destroyed years ago so his sense of touch was minimal at best, but he could still feel the inscriptions on Han's only good luck charm.

Luke put the dice in his pocket, turned around, and started walking through the smugglers ship with all intentions of leaving. He stopped however by the holochess table when all the emotions flooded him and he was suddenly caught in them.

Luke thought he heard a familiar noise. It sounded like an R2 unit activating. He almost wondered if he had imagined it, so he looked up and walked towards the sound.


And there the droid was, starting to showing the age he was, but still the same droid he had last seen eleven years ago. Luke got up and nearly ran to his oldest companion, than knelt to his level.


The droid had his classic chirps and whistles that took Luke a few seconds to readjust to droid speak but even R2's incomprehensible laughs brought a smile to his face.

The droid than started bombarding him with questions and accusations that Luke tried to keep up with.

"Yes. No. I-yeah, it's true. Hey, sacred island. Watch the language."

Luke because seriously again. The last time he had put his arm on this droid was when he used him to support himself after the hut collapsed on him. Now he was patting R2's dome.

"Old friend, I wish I could make you, Leia, and the others understand. I'm not coming back. Nothing can change my mind."

R2 than shifted positions and activated his projector along with a very old file.

A projection of his sister, Leia, appeared, she was only 19, so young. This hologram was the first he had seen of her. She was being held hostage and sent R2 to find Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, the droid by coincidence happened to end up on Luke and his Aunt and Uncles farm.

"Years ago you served my father in the clone wars. Now he begs you to help him in the struggle against the Empire. I regret that I am not able to deliver his message in person-"

The message continued but Luke was now focused on the droid itself.

"That's a cheap move."

The droid sarcastically rotated his head towards Luke and finished playing the message.

"Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope."

Luke just stared at his beloved sister, it had been just over a decade since he had last seen her, and three decades since he had seen her that young. He missed her, but he could not look her in the eyes after what happened with Ben.

The recording finished so R2 turned off his hologram projector.

"You lead them here, didn't you?"

The droid remained silent.

"I told you too split it up, send it to droids around the galaxy to be destroyed than delete the master copy."

The old droid gave a low sad moan, Luke realize that the poor droid probably didn't want to lose the key to his beloved master.

"I'm sorry, but I can't come back. The girl however could be useful to your cause, if she could just learn how to safely control her raw powers. Maybe."

Luke patted his old droid on the head once more than got up and left the Falcon for the last time.

Rey woke with a start. A presence over her, familiar but dark. Green lightsaber light. She bolted up in a panic, ready to fight, but it was only Luke looking over her.

Slight fear passed over his face as if he were reliving something, but his face went back to stern.

"Tomorrow, at dawn. Three lessons. I will teach you how to access the force, and why the Jedi need to end."

With that Luke went of to his hut. Rey, with a smile on her face, left to go to her own hut, tomorrow would be a big day.

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