Chapter 9: t

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Chapter Nine: T

Curiousity is a strange thing isn't it? The way it gnaws at your insides, the way it bottles up inside of you until you feel as if you can't do anything without knowing and the way that half the time that curiousity just stays the way it is and you never find out that looming thought that stays by your side.

Louis was curious. In fact he was more than curious, he wanted to know if he knew. If he knew the events that occurred that night, the event that got Louis questioning everything about himself. Just as he thought he was pulling himself together, as he thought he was tying up all the loose ends of life that seemed to be a mystery. But now those knots had been untied and left to tangle up with one another until it was all just a mess.

Staring at Harry from across the cafeteria seemed to be the way Louis was coping with his curiousity. Maybe , just maybe if he stared hard enough he would get his answer to the question he's been asking himself all morning. Do you know. He was laughing, Liam was throwing food into his mouth and Harry was missing completely, his dimples showing prominently as he laughed. Do you know.

He wasn't listening to a word his group was saying, Michael was talking about some type of scandal Ian had got into and Niall was talking about his date with some person he met. But besides that their muffled voices were at the back of his brain, every sense focused towards Harry, if only he could catch his eye. Do you know.

Louis thought it was pathetic really, the whole situation. Nobody else he knew was in such of a mess as he was, then again none of his friends would be caught dead almost kissing a male... So why did he? There was a thought at the back of his head, one that he thought he cleared up, one that he wanted to be wrong so desperately. He didn't want to think about it, he didn't want to think Ava was right, he wanted to believe that test.

Then he looked. He caught Louis stare and gave him a small warm smile that made Louis head feel warm and his stomach filled with what some would describe as butterflies. Looking away Louis only felt one thing burning through him, that curiousity that would be the absolute death of him. Do. You. Know.

"What about you Louis?" Zayn asked and looked straight towards him. Louis blinked in confusion and stared at Zayn hoping he'd realise he wasn't paying attention, "Ethans parents are out of town for a night. Want to have a boys night?"

"Sure. When is it?" Louis asked and played with his fingers under the table.

"In a week, kind of far away but we thought we'd get shit sorted now" Zayn shrugged and Louis nodded, "how are you feeling today?"

"Fine... Just a bit of a headache" Louis admitted. To be quite fair he did have a headache, but not from the events of yesterday. It was all from the curiousity that Harry was enducing. It seemed to always be harry didn't it?

"Try not to take panadol" Ethan told him, "trying to cure an almost drug overdose with more drugs isn't the solution let me tell you that"

"Thanks man" Louis chuckled and looked at Zayn who was staring at Louis worryingly. Louis felt a buzz in his pocket, whipping it out he saw a YouTube notification that made him smile.

Loving these videos! When are you going to make more?

Louis cursed under his breath when realising how long it had been since uploading a video. He had 2 videos sitting on his desktop at home waiting to be edited, but after all the stress that had been going on he had no time to actually finish them. Louis shoved his phone in his pocket and made a mental note to finish editing them after school.


"Hey Louis, I was wondering if you want to go to that cafe that we went to that one time" Zayn asked as they walked onto the oval, "tomorrow morning of course, same time as yesterday. I'm sure we both need to get our minds off of things"

"Sounds good Zayn" Louis smiled and watched as their sport teacher sat down on the bench with a clipboard waiting for them to arrive. Louis hated that sport was mandatory, everything about it made him want to fucking die. Good thing Zayn was in his class or he didn't think he would make it through.

"We are joining the sophomores today, their teacher is away and we couldn't find a suitable substitute" their sport teacher announced and looked over to where the sophomore class was walking over.

"Great. Sophomores are the worst at sports" Zayn grumbled. Louis wasn't paying attention to Zayn though, he was paying attention to Harry, who was walking in the group of people. On others the sport uniform looked average, but there was just something about Harry in it that made Louis not want to look away, "you good Louis?"

"Yeah... Sophomores are the worst aren't they?" Louis agreed and tore his gaze off of harry and back to Zayn who looked at him strangely.

As the two classes grouped together the teacher walked up to the front and blew his whistle, glaring at a couple of kids who seemed to be giggling like crazy. Louis took a deep breath, close to whacking the two girls who were holding up the whole class. He didn't want to do sport but listening to two sophomores giggling about some nonsense seemed to be worse.

"Today we will be doing some track, nice and simple so it's not too complicated. Around the oval there are the lines. Just jog around 6 times then come back to me" he told the class boredly, "I trust you all to be responsible"

As he blew his whistle once more the classes walked up to the line and sighed. Louis wanted nothing more than to get out of the class, the sun already irritating him and the large crowds of people made it unbearable. The only thing that made the class a little bit better was the smaller boy who seemed to be standing rather closely to Will.

"Let's do this Louis" Zayn clapped and began to jog, Louis not that far behind him. In all fairness running wasn't too bad, he enjoyed it as ling as his heart wasn't on fire and his lungs weren't going to explode. The simpleness and flow of it all made him somewhat relaxed. As he jogged he looked behind him to see Harry and Will slowly walking and laughing.

"C'mon man I want to relax for the rest of the lesson" Zayn punched Louis in the arm playfully and picked up his pace, "let's go faster"

As they picked up their pace they began to overlap some people, specifically those who were walking quite slow, as Louis saw the giggly girls in his sight he rolled his eyes. He didn't want to go past and hear the stupid gossip that they were talking about. Trying to ignore them he ran past, but even so he heard what they said, and it made Louis angry for some reason.

"Harry looks so cute in his uniform today"

It was those 7 words that made Louis slow his pace, those 7 words that for some reason made Louis feel all tense and... jealous? He wasn't jealous of Harry. that would be stupid, he had established his heterosexuality and being jealous over other straight girls being straight would be stupid. Absolutely stupid.

"C'mon Louis quicken your pace!" Zayn scoffed and Louis rolled his eyes once more before catching up to Zayn. Looking across the oval Louis could see Harry jogging slightly at this point, his curls waving in the wind and his face flushed a slight red colour.

What was he doing to him?


"C'mon upload" Louis groaned as the two videos slowly began to upload, after hours upon hours of editing he had finally finished and wanted nothing more than to upload them and see people's reaction. He still didn't have many views, he was far from that but he had racked up around 67 views for one of his videos which was the Look After you Video.

It was his by far most popular video, the one with the most likes (5) and the most comments (2). Even with the small number it made him happy that a song that made his heart full was the one that people enjoyed the most with his voice.

Collapsing on his bed he pulled out his phone and carefully plugged his earplugs in, scrolling through his playlist until he found the song he covered. Closing his eyes and letting the lyrics sync in, letting them embrace him as he drifted off into a peaceful slumber. A slumber in which he didn't have to worry about Harry for a few hours.

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