Chapter 27: .

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Chapter 27: .

"It's beautiful Harry" Louis said, walking into Zayn's backyard, seeing the fairy lights hung up around the garden, food gathered on tables and drinks on another. Niall had decided to host their own spring dance, just Louis, Harry, Zayn, Perrie, Niall and Niall's girlfriend Cassandra. It seemed like the best option, considering Louis had only just started to recover and a high school dance wasn't something Louis wanted at that moment.

"Do you like it Lou?" Harry asked, holding Louis hand in his.

"I love it" Louis smiled and pulled him in for a kiss.

"I'm proud of you" Harry whispered and Louis rolled his eyes playfully. For the past week that's all Harry had said to him, he had attended his first support group, the overwhelming amount of relief he got when realizing he wasn't alone was amazing and even the one on one with his therapist seemed to help him too.

"I know" Louis laughed.

"No! You really don't. You know how hard it is to break addictions? To even help yourself by getting the help and support you need? You're so strong Lou. So much stronger than anybody else i know"

"I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend, you know that right?" Louis kissed Harry again, making Harry giggle.

"Our relationship is only getting started... Just like this PARTY!" Harry cheered and Zayn chuckled, pressing play on his stereo, music blasting out. Louis rolled his eyes and chuckled slightly.

"That was romantic, really was. But you ruined the moment" Louis commented.

"I know... Dance with me"


"never have i ever!" Cassandra called, pouring vodka into six red cups and placing them in a circle, "Every time you have done something you take a sip."

"We know how the game works Cass" Niall scoffed and Cassandra playfully pushed him, "I'll go first, never have i ever walked in on people having sex"

"Too easy man, do you want to get us all drunk?" Zayn laughed and watched as almost everybody took a sip from their cups, "Surprised nobody has walked in on Harry and Louis yet, considering they've been all over each other lately."

"Shut up Zayn, at least i don't fuck my partner twice a day, surprised you haven't got some type of disease yet" Louis smirked.

"About that..." Perrie said looking down, getting teary eyed, "I went to a doctor the other day and got tested for an STD... Zayn I have chlamydia"

"What" Niall said.

"You have chlamydia!? We had sex- You could have given it to me. Fuck Perrie" Zayn said, running his hands through his hair stressed.

"Never have i ever fell for their girlfriends pranks saying they got an STD" Perrie snorted and Zayn looked up at her sheepishly, taking a sip from his cup.

"I say that's unfair" Zayn commented.

"I say that's bloody hilarious" Harry laughed and placed his head onto Louis shoulder.

"never have i ever done something completely risque for money" Cassandra said and Harry took a sip.

"WHAT!?" Louis said, gaping at Harry who was smirking, "What the fuck have you done? You're like twelve."

"I sure hope you don't think i'm twelve cause it would be disgusting for you to date me then" Harry giggled, "But last year, this girl told me she was into feminine dudes and asked if i wanted to model some panties for fifty bucks, at the time my family was pretty desperate for money so i-"

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