Major Crush..

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Hey, sorry for not updating this earlier. I had a rough day today and I think I'm coping with it. So here's the update. Enjoy ~

Kellin's POV

The day went pretty smooth after the incident that happened this morning. So far, not being bullied or anything. I made friends with Jaime, Tony and Mike. They're the best that I've ever had, compared to my previous school life back then. It was the last period of the day and the bell had rang awhile ago. I walked down out of the school, just to be called by someone from far behind me.

"Kellin! Kellin! Wait up!" I didn't obey though. I kept walking faster and faster and by the time I reached the park, I was tackled to the ground by the one and only, Vic Fuentes. His face hold a concern look, " Why didn't you wait up when I told you so? Are you afraid of me?" When I didn't reply to him, he sighed. "Look, I may be a d.ick earlier this morning, but I swear it wasn't on purpose! I wasn't gonna tolerate anyone for today.." He kept on rambling about how he's being sorry and stuff over and over again. When I look at him, I get a clearer view of his face. He is a true beauty. His smile is so contagious that whenever he smiles, I smiled back. His laughter. His voice.. Oh how I would love to feel what he could do--

"Kellin? Hey? You there?" I was quickly snapped out from my thoughts as Vic shakened me. He smirked, "You're tryna learn my features, I see." I blushed. "N-no. I wasn't. I-i s-swear. Oh god." I kept my mouth shutted immediately. He came closer to my face, our lips are just a few centimetres away. He brushed my hair out of my face and tuck it behind my ear. He smiled, " There you are. I can't see you when your hairs blocking the way, y'know?" Now that he had said that, my face had become as red as a tomato. Gosh, this kid has all the power over me.

Vic's POV

I saw Kellin's face turned red. I chuckled. He look so fustered that he couldn't do anything to make his blush go away. "Stop. It's not funny, okay?" I stopped myself from any fits of laughter that could happen any minute, but then it died down. Now I know why he's being all so flustered. I'm still ontop of him after my mission to tackled him to the ground. We were so close that our lips are just a few centimetres away. I was about to lean in when something just clicked. I got off of him and helped him up. "Wanna hang out at my place?" He looked on the ground for a moment, trying to fight with himself. I took his hand and intertwined our fingers. That action of mine tooked him off guard. He started with his cute stuttering, "I uh.. I um I'm n-not sure Vic. I mean y-yeah, I would. But uhm, I.." I chuckled at his adorableness. Couldn't he get any cuter? "Let's go then, Kells!" I didn't know where that nickname came from but I'm sure as hell not gonna stop anytime soon. I tugged on his hand, motioning him to follow up. He sighed in defeat. I guess he's gonna stucked with me the whole day, aye?


We arrived to my place just in time for Mike to get pissed off about why I didn't went home with him earlier ad when he saw Kellin's hand and mine intertwined, he grinned. "You guys are dating, aren't you?" Kellin started to get all flustered and shy again because the way he said next proves that he is. "No no, Mike. Y-you got it all w-wrong. We aren't dating. Vic just tackled me to the g-ground earlier on at the p-park because ugh.." I smiled at his frustration. "We aren't dating, Mike. Yet. And I'm sorry that I didn't went home with you today because I got something to uphold with. Sorry, I guess? My bad, dude." I said, ending the conversation. I bring Kellin to my room and I swear I heard him said 'You're lucky that I have a major crush on you'. I smiled to myself. I'm gonna talk to him about 'us' real soon.


That's it for today. I know it's not that much but I really tried. I'm going through some shits that I didn't expect. I swear I'm sorry but atleast, I've updated. I'll update again by tomorrow. Thanks guys! I love you!





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