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Vic's POV

As the day went by, chop chop, I knew that it's the end of school already. I ran out of school and waited for Kellin at the parking lot. I was so nervous and scared about what he has to say. I mean, of course I shouldn't but I couldn't help but feel damn guilty due to my harshness with him. I didn't mean to. I just.. Ugh, he make my mind go wild by his smile. I just want him to be mine already by the end of school year.

Maybe I'll just propose to him if there's any prom or concert and stuff. I just want to start living with him, eventhough we've just been together for a few days. I have to wait for another 3-4 months. I saw Kellin walking from the distance and I started to act looking down at my shirt, brushing off the 'invinsible' dust on it. I looked up at him and he frowned for a little.

"Vic..?" I started to get nervous and fumbled with the hem of my shirt and responded with a 'mmm?'. "Vic, it's fine. I'm not mad at you, at all. But honestly, I felt a little disappointed with you. You said you would treat me nice.. I don't know.. I just.. Ugh.. It's so hard." I felt my heart dropped.

"H-hard? W-what do you mean? D-do you want to break up with me? Oh my god Kellin, I'm so-." I was cutted off my his lips. The one that's sincere. Not rough but sweet. It's like a peck on the lips. "I didn't say I was going to break up with you. I was going to say that it's gonna be hard if you keep being harsh with me."

That's when everything started to click into sense. Everytime I raise my voice at him, looked into his eyes with madness, talking to him with a harsh way, he looked like he'll breakdown anytime soon. He's being abused at home, physically.

"Kells, do you have something to tell me?" He looks up and furrowed his eyebrows. "No, why? Is there something I should have known?" I shooked my head and said that it's the other way round. He kept on saying no and that's where I tried to show him physically.

I stared into his eyes and acted as if I'm angry at him. He has the look of fear in his eyes. "Why are you having fear looks in your eyes, Kells?" He snapped back to reality and nervously fumbled with his thumbs. "No-nothing. C'mon Vicky, I'm hungry." He tugged on my sleeves, pulling me nearer to the driver seat and then I saw it..

"Kellin.." He turned around and look at me, staring at his wrist - bruised. He gasped, shocked that I've find out about this. "That's the reason why you always have the look of fear in your eyes whenever I snapped at you or whatsoever. Why didn't you inform me about this, babe? You know I care about you. I don't want anything else happene-. Wait, what ELSE happened? You have to tell me Kells. I can't figure out this by my own. C'mon. I ain't no stranger. I'm your boyfriend. Please Kellin. Tell me."

He sighed and gestured me to get in the car before he began his story.

Kellin's POV

"My dad started abusing me when I was around 10. I've told you that he's an abusive drunken asshole. The night where we went out for our first date, he texted me, asking why I wasn't home yet and I had to lie, of course. I don't want another asswhiped anymore. I said that I was over a friend's house doing a project. He believed over the phone at first, but when I went home, he ask whether I was truly studying and I said I was. He looked through my backpack and all he ask was 'where's your project works, huh?'. I was beyond scared so I did the thing that I wasn't supposed to. I ran past him and then he pulled me back and started to grabbed my wrist a-and h-he.." I choked a sob. That's when all of my cries that I've been holding back for so damn long, came bursting out. 

Vic hugged me closed over the gear car thingy and whispered sweet things in my hair. He kissed my forehead, my left cheek, my right cheek, my nose. He grabbed both of my hands and kissed them, then he kissed me on my lips. He said that everything's gonna be okay, but I didn't know whether to trust him or not because people said that most of the time. It doesn't work. I guess I should really trust him now.  Like, really really trust him. 

"H-he sta-started to molest me." That's the end of the story for the day. I was crying non-stop while Vic hugged me tight. He didn't let go of me till I fell asleep in his arms. I felt safe for once.

Vic's POV

Once I saw that Kellin's already fast asleep, I droved back quickly to my place. I parked my car in the driveway and switched off the engine. I got out from the car and unlock the front door of my house, get back to the car and carried Kellin out of the car and straight to my room. I laid him there, tucked him under the sheets. I sat beside him and played with his hair. 

I pulled his shirt up a little to check if there's any bruises to be seen. And clearly, there's a lot around his torso. There's blue, yellow and some other fading colour of bruises. I knew I had to do something. Something that Kellin would never accept me doing it. I grabbed my phone and dialled the police.

I told the police over the phone about what happened to Kellin and they said that they need some evidence. I told them to come over real quick before my boyfriend wakes up because he sure as hell doesn't likes all the attention. I gaved them my address and they a few minutes later, they've arrived.

I let them checked Kellin's body while slowly and gently pulling his shirt up, revealing his bruised torso that's quite bad. I couldn't look at it. I turned away because I was at the edge of tears. After a few minutes of checking and stuffs, one of the officers tapped my shoulder and I turned.

"Mr.Fuentes, we need you to bring him down to the station as soon as possible. His being abused badly. And also, do you have his home address? We need to arrest his dad for child abusing. Don't worry, we'll keep it confidential. We won't tell him who made the report." I nodded and gave the officer my boyfriend's address. 

'How the fu.ck am I going to explain to him about all of this? I'm in deep shit.' I sat by him, clasping both my hands with his. I have to tell him the truth.

Kellin's POV

I heard noises like sirens from outside. I heard footsteps walking up the stairs. I heard more than 2 people are talking. I felt someone pulled my shirt up and touched my stomach softly. I heard mumblings but I just can't make it up. 

After a few hours, I woke up, feeling a slight headache. I look over to my left and saw Vic, holding my hands with both of his hands. I shooked him up. "Hey, you're awake. How're ya feeling, love?" He asked, giving me a kiss on the forehead. I smiled weakly, mumbled a fine. He looked nervous about something so I sat up straight. "Is there anything you need to tell me Vic? You look kinda nervous there."

Vic sighed and sat up straight too. "I called the police and told them 'bout everything. They've went and arrested your dad. You have to come down to the station with me as soon as possible. I hope you aren't mad at me or something. I just want you safe and sound, here with me. I don't want you getting anymore hurt than you've had before this. I love you too much to see you hurt. I promise I'll do whatever it takes just for you to not be mad at me. Please?" He said.

I looked at him, my eyes were wide as if it could popped out anytime soon and my jaw were hunged opened. I felt tears in my eyes and quickly hugged him as tight as possible. "Thank you Vic. For everything. I've never felt so cared and loved and safe with someone. And I thanked you for being that person. I love you, Vic. I really really do." With that, I kissed him.


So, there 'ya go. I hope that this chapter is long enough for you guys. I'll try to update as frequent as possible. But I'm only planning on making this fanfic like around 13-15 chapters. I'll see how it goes from the next chapter onwards. Keep spreading the hugs and kisses peple! You guys are amazing as fu.ck! I love you guys!





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