Is The Scent Slowly Spreading?

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Vic's POV

I was awake by my alarm clock, dragging me out from my sleeping state. I look over to my right, smiling to myself as I watched my boyfriend still sleeping. "Baby, wake up. We gotta go to school today." I said, shaking him. He groaned and turned over and hug me by my waist, pulled me down and whispered sexily with his morning raspy voice which I find it hot, "Fuck school. I wanna be with you, all day. Stay?" He trailed down his finger down my chest and tugged on the hem of my shirt. He started biting my earlobe, grinning as I shivered. "Don't hesitate. . I know you want it.." He purred. Damnit. He's making me having a fu.cking boner and I know that he's just gonna tease me and leave me alone with my problem. "Kellin.. Kells I.. I uh-" I was cut off by my own moan as he started to trail the kisses down my neck and stop at my sweet spot. I throw my head to the back and started to pull him closer than ever - if that's possible. He grinned  when he saw my reaction. He went to stand up but he walk out of the room. Leaving me here, alone. With a fu.cking boner. "Kellin.. Come back." I whined, throwing my arms out and started to grab the air like as if I am fu.cking 5 year old kid. He came back, smiling innocently and said, "But Viccy, we have school today. We're gonna be late." I rolled my eyes and pushed him roughly against the wall. 

Kellin's POV

He pushed me against the wall and started kissing me roughly, but at the same time, sweetly and passionately. I smiled into the kiss when I lightly but slowly as ever, bite his bottom lip and sucked it. He closed his eyes and moaned deep. I've got to say that, that is hot. I grinded my hips against his crotch and his eyes snapped open, wide and shocked. I pouted and stuck out my bottom lips, "Viccy, I want you. No wait. I need you." I whispered, ever so loving and seductively. His face turned red and the next thing you know, he grabbed my thighs and I wrapped them around his waist. I kiss his lips again, tugging his hair lightly and at the same time, grinding. I know I'm driving him wild. But, it'll be worth it.

"V-Vic, hurry up. I want to feel you." He throw me on his bed and went to get some lube and a condom. He wasted no time on stripping me naked on his bed. He came closer to me, hovering his lips above mine. He's trying to be the one that's driving me crazy and I'm telling you, he does it perfectly.


Okay, I know it's not much but I really don't have much time left. I'm so sorry but I'll make it up to you as soon as possible. And, I'm not good in smuts. I'll get someone write it for me. Be patient, thanks! :')





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