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Vic’s POV

The week after Kellin got out from the hospital, I decided to plan everything. So I called my friends and my brother to come over. Kellin was asleep in our bedroom. After a few minutes,they arrived and we got to work when suddenly heard a knock on our door. I went up and open the door, revealed Ronnie, my ex.

“Hey Vic. I understand you might still hate me for what I’ve done but whatever it is, please, give me another chance? Leave Kellin alone and come back to me. I promise you that I’ll treat you much better than before. Please?”

I shook my head and said, “Sorry man. I have Kellin now. I don’t need anyone else to make me much happier than I do now ‘cause truth be told, I am happy as ever. I love Kellin and he loves me. I’m engaged to him now. We could at least be friends. Not ‘friends with benefits’ but only friends. Okay?”

He sighed and nodded. We said our goodbyes and he went off. I went back to the living room and continue as what I wanted to plan.


It was almost 7pm when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I turned around and saw Kellin walking down. He plopped next to me on the couch and yawned. He rubs his eyes and lays his head on my shoulder. I silently awed at his behavior and pulled him closer to me. 

He giggled and closed his eyes, looked up to me and smiled. I am trying my very best here to not go up in our room, scream like a girl and yet he is there, acting all cute. I mean, can he not?.

“Hey baby, what are you thinking about?” He asked, yawning. I smiled and said nothing. He nodded and pulled me together with him, dragging me like a chain behind a truck. He got into the bed and pulled me close and we cuddled ‘til he fall asleep, me following after.


Kellin’s POV

I woke up next to Vic, smiling to myself. I got up and head down towards the kitchen and start making breakfast. I made pancakes, bacons, eggs and tea. I prepared everything and I fet arms snaked around my waist, me being pulled against a chest and kisses being placed all over my neck. I giggled and blushed, turned around and saw Vic. He was smiling at me, like, really really wide.

I got curious, but scared mostly. I backed away from him and cocked my eyebrow. He laughed and hug me. I hugged him back. We ate our breakfast and showered. Nope, no sexual things happened, because I wanted to save that for the best.

We went down to the living room and Vic sat on the couch, while I headed towards the door because I heard someone knocked on it. I opened it and saw a guy with tattoos, hair shaved at the side and a shark tattoo on his side head.

“Uhm, may I know, who are you looking for?” I asked.

“Oh, sorry. Where are my manners. I’m Ronnie, Ronnie Radke. I believed Vic is here?”

I nodded and step aside, giving him more room to come in. I called Vic and he turned around, eyes wide. I felt a pang of jealousy. Like, real hard. I decided to leave them alone because I know they’re friends. I had no reason to be scared but I felt a twitched in my chest.

I went to my bedroom and took my phone and headed back down. Oh how I wished I didn’t made that decision. I saw Vic kissing Ronnie. I gasped out loud, causing the both of them to turn and look my way. Vic pushed him off of him and came over to me. He hugged me, but I didn’t hug back. Instead, I grabbed my jacket and walked out of house. I felt tears welling up my eyes but I blinked it away.


It was exactly 12.30 midnight and I’m at the park. I switched off my phne because for sure as hell I know, Vic is gonna call me and say he’s sorry and stuff. But whatever. I got up and suddenly I felt someone pulled my wrist back and spin me around, and hugged me. I was too shocked to say anything. I breathe in and smelled like Vic’s cologne. I pushed him back a little and looked at him.

His eyes were bloodshot and puffy. His nose was red.

“Kells, baby..” He said, barely above whisper.

“What Vic? Why do you come and searched for me? You know, if you don’t really want to be with me, then just say so! You don’t have to give me a free porno right infront of my face! You want your ring back? I’ll give it to you.” I shouted at him.

I was about to take out the ring when Vic grabbed my wrist and fixed it back in. He grabbed both my hands and kissed them while crying. He stopped kissing my hands and looked up to me, and said, “I swear it wasn’t me. You’ve got to believe me, baby. I swear on my life it wasn’t my plan to do all this. He was the one who pushed me down and kissed me first. I swear to you that I didn’t kiss him back. I was trying my best to push him off of me. Please, baby. You can’t leave me, not yet. Not ever. Please.” He cried, dropping to his knees and pulled his hair.

I quickly grabbed his arms and put it around my neck so basically, he was hugging me. I didn’t like it when he’s upset and started to pull his hair. I don’t know why but I just don’t like it. It made me feel sad. I carried him home. Yes I walked home, with him in my arms. But I don’t care. He’s all I have and left with and I don’t want to lose him.


Once I reached home, I sat Vic down by the counter. I remove his and mine’s jacket and placed it on the stool. I switched on the lights and get a cup of water for him. I put it infront of him and he dranked it. I started to walk off when he grabbed my arm lightly. I turned around and he open his arms in the air, silently begging me to carry him up to sleep.

I chuckled softly and carried him. We sat by our bed and he started to remove his clothes, revealing his boxers to sleep. I did the same thing and went under the covers. I turned around so my back was facing him. He sighed and snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me against his chest and sniffed my hair. He turned me around so I was facing him.

“I’m sorry, baby. I swear I will try my best to do better if that happens in future. I’m sorry that the tears went falling down your cheeks. I don’t want either of us to give up on the other. I’m sorry, Kells. I’m so sorry.” He said, quietly.

I breathed out shakily. “It’s fine, hun. Everything happens for a reason. Just promise me, you’ll do better.” I said, sternly. He widened his eyes. “I swear, baby! I swear I’ll do better. I swear.” He kept on saying the word ‘swear’ and I shut him up by kissing him passionately. But then, one thing caught my eyes.

“Babe, why is there a tuxedo outside the closet, wrapped in plastic?”

“Hmm. That’s for me to know and for you to find out, baby. Night Kells. I love you.” He pecked my lips and pulled me closer and put his head on my neck. I sighed and said the same thing.


Batmann’s back, people! Sorry for the super duper late update. I was having writers block, and it had me really bad. But that’s fine, I’m left with a last chapter. Should I make a sequel to this book? And what do you think the tuxedo wrapped in plastic are for? Keep on voting and commenting. I love you my batmanns <3





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