It's Just A Dream.

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Vic's POV

I've been sitting on this damn plastic chair for a few hours and my butt are getting sore from it. Kellin's inside one of the room, having his body checked. It's so silent here and all I can hear was my boyfriend's sniffles. It hurts me so much to see him in deep pain. But I know, after all of this, we'll be fine and happy again. I know I can make him happy again. I promise I will.

The door creaked open and I saw Kellin walking out. His head were hung low, his raven hair was all over his face. I got up from my sit and was tackled into a weak hug. I hugged him back, slowly rubbing my hand on his back. He shoved his face to the crook of my neck and slowly dropping to his knees. I caught and scooped him into my arms, with him hugging by my neck. I sat back onto the chair with Kellin in my arms. 

"Shh, everything's gon' be okay. Baby, breathe in and out slowly okay? You'l be fine. I'll be fine. Everything's gon' be perfect after this. Go to sleep. I'll be right here when you're awake." He nodded and soon was asleep. I stood up and put him in the back seat of my car. I quickly got into the driver's seat and droved off to my place.

Kellin's POV *dreaming*

I was walking down the alley towards my house after the night at Vic's. He is so perfect with his smile and his eyes that twinkled when he laughed with tears, the way he would cringed his his nose up when I kissed his nose. Everything about him is perfect.

I twisted the doorknob and enetered the home. I was about to put my third step into the house when I was pushed up against the wall and being beaten up badly by the monster that I can't seem to fight back. 

"Stop. S-s-stop. I-it hur-hurts. P-lease just st-stop." I cried out. It's no use, he would never listen to me. I started to block his beatings out using my arm. But then, he started to unbotton his shirt, he quickly unzipped his pants and it took me a moment to realise what was he doing. 

I got up and ran for the stairs towards my bedroom. I got in and locked the door and the window and ran for the bathroom and locked myself in. I slid down the wall and cried to myself. I left my bagpack on my bed so my phone's in it. Damnit, I thought. I should've brought it in here too. I need a way to communicate with Vic.

I wiped my tears and slowly unlock the bathroom door and crept out quietly towards my bed. I unzipped my bag and searched for my phone in it. Shit! Where the did it go?! A few minutes later, he was twisting the locked door. "You faggot bitch! Unlock this mothafu.cking door right this intant!" Did I unlock it? Hell no, till..

I heard keys jiggling outside my room and that's when I knew I was fu.cked. He opened the door and held up my phone in his hand. "Searching for this, Kellyboy?" I cringed my nose, gulped and walked a few steps back. He practically jumped on me and ripped my shirt off. He molested me and..

*end of dream*

"Kells.. Kellin. Baby you gotta wake up." I felt someone shaked my body and I sat up straight way damn quickly, much to my liking. I was crying badly.

"V-vic. I had this bad bad dream a-and I dreamt about how I was th-thinking about you a-and then he m-molested me. I-I can'tcontinue living with fear and terror anymore Vic." After that, I was in Vic's strong and safety arms. 

"Don't say that way. I'll take care of you. I promised." He said. "Sing me a song to sleep, please?" I asked, pouted. I pushed my bottom lip out and make my eyes a little larger so he couldn't say no this this face. He chuckled and nodded. He took his acoustic guitar and began strumming.

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