Let's Talk

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Hey guys! Im so sorry that I didnt update ystrday or so.. I was having bad time though.. I'll make it up to you guys! I promise! And i wanna dedicate this chapter to @ErinWright1 because she's great at writing! Do check her book out! :) And do follow her! Enjoy!~


Vic's POV

"Hey Kells, I need to talk to you 'bout something." I felt Kellin tensed abit. I gave him a smile to say that it's not that bad. He relaxed. We sat in my room for a little longer and that's when I started with the flirting. 

"Kells.." I purred in his ear seductively, just to confirm my expectations. He started to blushed. "Kellin.. I need to ask you something. Will you tell me honestly?" He hesitated for a moment but then sighed in defeat. He shivered when I put my hand on his thigh. I pulled him closer by the waist and stared deeply into his eyes, admiring every single movement of his. 

"I know we only met today or so but I just got a feeling that I like you. I mean, like, like like you. Ugh.. I fancied you, Kells. I just wanna be with you, so much it hurts. So, will you do the honour of being my boyfriend, Kellin Quinn?" He didn't respond straight away. All I saw was his eyes were glossy. I knew that he would never like me back. I mean, who would ever want to be with a guy like me? I'm just a stupid, ashhole guy who just cuts and--

"I will only if you stop cutting yourself." I was shocked to hear that. I snapped my head towards Kellin to see that he had been crying. Did I just voiced my thoughts out loud? Geez, but the only main thing that shot through my senses again was, "You will?" I asked, grinning. He smiled weakly, "Yeah." I closed the gap between us and I began to lean in but before that, I wiped away his tears that strained his cheeks with my thumb, looking through his eyes. "I love you, Kelin Quinn. So much it hurts." That's when I leaned in and kissed him.

Kellin's POV

Vic Fuentes just kissed me. Kissed me. Me. I kissed him back but unwillingly pulled back and looked away, tears filling my eyes quick. "Kells, what's wrong? I mean, I understand if you dont want me and stuff bu-"

"Why me? Out of all the other people, why me? You could find some better than m-" He shut me up by yelling, "Don't you know how much I love you?! I only love you since the first time we met! Why can't you just understand?!" I flinched by his yelling, and my eyes started to watered. Pretty much for our first kiss. So much drama in one day. 

His gaze soften when he saw how hurt I am. "Kells.." I walked out of the room and started to head home. "I was only asking him a question. Why can't he just reply me normally? Ugh." I started to drop to my knees and sobbed. I'm almost 40 feets away from Vic's house when I felt someone sat behind me and hugged me by my waist while sniffing into my hair. I already knew who it is. "I'm so sorry, Kells. I swear it wasnt' on purpose. I just dont know where that came from. Kellin, please don't cry. It hurts me to see you're sad. Especially when I'm the one who caused it. I'm so sorry, love." He made me turn and face him but I looked on the ground the whole time. "Baby, you do know that I love you, right?" I nodded. I guess he really didn't mean it. "It's fine. I shouldn't be upset though. I don't even know why I'm being so emotional today." I said, chuckled.

He smiled and kissed me again. "Let's get you home." The word home already made me nervous as wreck. "Can I just stay over tonight at your place? I don't feel like going home today." He looked worried, but he brushed it off. He nodded in agreement. 


At night, we cuddled, talk some random shit, cuddled again, kissed, laugh at stupid jokes and cuddled. I guess that's the only thing we did. Vic said that he would be in the bathroom when he's phone rang on the night stand. I knew I shouldn't be checking his phone, just to respect his privacy but I couldn't help it. I unlocked his phone and answered his call. But the thing is, the person that's calling my boyfriend in the middle of the night was a guy. His name popped out as 'Babe<3'. "Hey baby, when are you coming down? I missed you so much. I can't wait to see ya."  I hanged up the phone and quickly sat up. I was fuming badly. 'Who would ever want a prick like you'.

Vic's POV

I came back from the bathroom just to see an upset Kellin on my bed. "Kells, who called?" He went to my contact logs and shove it to my face. 'Babe<3'. Ronnie. Shit. I looked back at Kellin to see him sitting on my bed, tears slipping down his cheek, waiting for me to explain. It hurts to see how much pain I've cause on our first day of relationship. 

"Kellin, baby. You gotta listen okay? He was my ex. His name is Ronnie. We dated for a few months ago and I left him because he cheated on me with some other guy. I forgot to delete his number when we broke up. Please don't think anything stupid." I let it all out to him. I just need him to be my everything. 

"Then why do I hear him saying 'Hey baby, when are you coming down? I missed you so much. I can't wait to see ya. ' What do you think I'm thinking, Vic? I dont want anymore hurt Vic. Just tell me the truth already." He sobbed. My heart dropped. No, my heart shattered into millions and millions of pieces. I can't see him cry. It hurts.

"Kellin, hun, look at me. Look at me." He looked up. "He was just trying to make me come back crawling for him and I know I wouldn't cause you're all that I need. I love you and please, cry no more alright? I love you. I love you. I love you." He giggled when I kissed his lips everytime i said that. My phone rang again and this time I looked at Kellin's hand, he was looking at the caller ID. So was I. 

Babe<3 '. Oh shit.


And there ya go! Told ya I would make it up to you guys! 1139 words. I know so much drama happened in one chapter. But I promise that I'll update soon!





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