Breaking Up? Nahh. Better Than That ;)

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*skips to 2 months later*

Kellin's POV

It's been 2 months for Vic's and I's relationship. It has been a week since Vic started to ignore me. He goes out early in the morning and comes home really really late. I'm starting to think that he might be cheating on me.

I decided to stayed up til 4am to talk to him.


It's almost 4am and I saw Vic's car in our driveway. I got up and opened the door for him. He saw me and smiled and went straight for the couch in the living room. I huffed and closed the door, not wanting to let my tears fall.

I walked and stand infront of him. Before the both of us say anything, my tears started to waterfall. His face turned from nervous to worried. He stood up and hugged me. I didn't hug back. I started to say, "Why do you do this to me? Am I not good enough for you? Am I not worth it?! What the did I went wrong?! What do you need from me?! I've given you everything Vic! Everything!"

I was practically screaming and shouting at him. I fall to my knees and clutched my heart because it has been pained and hurted for the past week. He hugged me tight and sat down by me, pulling me onto his lap. "Shit Kells, I'm so sorry if you're thinking that I'm avoiding you but I swear that I'm not. I've been busy. And please don't tell me that you've been thinking of me cheating on you with someone else." I didn't say anything back though cause that is what I've been thinking.

"Oh my god Kells. Baby, baby look at me. I swear I only love you and only you okay? Come on. Let's go to sleep." I didn't say anything else. I stood up and went straight for bed. I heard Vic sighed.


I woke up the next morning and found a note by my side. I sighed and read the note.


Hey, morning baby. I'm sorry for you because you didn't get to wake up with me but I swear, after today, everything will be perfect :) I've picked your outfits for today and meet me at the Starbucks cafe by 5pm. We got a long way tonight. I love you, Kells ;)

Lots of loves & kisses & hugs,

Your Only Vic :*

I laughed to myself and went to do whatever he told me to.


I'm in the car with Vic, 6.30pm right now. He's still driving but it was a comfortable silence. He's acting really really weird. He's being all clumsy and stuff which make me giggled and he blushed.

Vic's POV

Tonight is the night where I'm going to end it. I'm going to end our relationship. But I just don't know how he would react to it. I got out from the car and went over to open the door for him. He blushed slightly and I blindfolded him. We walked and walked and walked until I made him stop.

I unblindfolded him and he gasped in awe. "Vic.. This is.. amazing." I blushed and just nodded. I hold his hand and walk towards the picnic basket. There's candlelights forming a heartshape and the picnic basket and blanket is in the middle of it.

We sat down and ate. We sat around, talking and laughing. And then, I knew I had to end it.

"Kellin.. I.. I had something to confess about." He just look at me and nodded.

"You're the greatest thing that has ever happened in my life. Thank you for being with me. But.. I'm sorry. I'm sorry because I can't do this anymore. I want this level to end." 

He was shaking. He got up and turned away. So i quickly do what I had planned to do. I got on one knee and took out a red velvet box and open it.

"Kells.." He turned around and gasped.

"You didn't let me finish my sentence yet. I want this level to end and take it to the next level. You've been nothing but pretty helpful with me, you made my life better. I simply can't get enough of you. I want you to be with me forever till infinity and beyond. I love you so much it hurts Kells. Will you do the honour of marrying me?"

He started to cry heavily and nodded his head quick. I smiled happily and put on the ring on his finger. I got up and he hugged me tight. I hugged him back and pulled away. I kissed him. He kissed back and grips the back of my hair. I went and attacked his neck, sucking and biting it, probably leaving a huge hickey but I didn't care. He's gonna be mine soon. And let me reassure you, it's damn soon.

"Thank you Vic. Thank you for tolerating with my shits and stuffs. I'm sorry if I had hurt your feelings or whatsoever. I'm so glad that I had bumped onto you infront of the office the other day." He ssaid, clinging onto my shirt. I chuckled, as I remembered the first time we met.

"Hey! Stop laughing! It's not funny when I got scolded by you." He said and then pouted. "Awwh baby, I'm sorry." He looks away and starts running away from me.

"Kellin! Get back here." He laughed but that didn't stop him from running. I laughed and ran after him. Surprisingly, I catched up with him as he slowed down and I hugged him from behind his waist. He gasped and blushed when I kissed his hair.

"I'm sowwy." I said in a baby voice. He giggled and turned around to face me.

"It's fine. I'm sowwy too." He pouted and pushed his bottom lip out. I smiled and look at him, lovingly. Slowly, we both leaned in and kissed. We pulled away and smiled.


Hey guys! Finally got my laptop and shits back! Haha :) Anyway, I'm dedicating this chapter to @Rawr_Baby for that beautiful comment on my wall. Sadly, there's only like 2-3 chapters left. I'll confirmed it by the next pdate which is either tomorrow or the day after.

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