How Do You Know How Deep To Go Before It's Real?

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Kellin's POV

I stepped out from the shower and was searching for my outfit when I stepped over some.. petals? I laughed to myself as I saw petals of roses being tracked down from the bathroom door to the dressing table. I walked over and saw it was a tux. I shaked my head, laughing. I was about to put on the pants when my phone started ringing. I saw it was a message.

It was from..

Dad : Where are you and why the aren't you homed yet?!

Me : I'm sleeping over my friend's house for a few days. I have projects to do.

Dad : Fine. I'm going out for a few week. I'm leaving 50 bucks on the kitchen table. Make sure to come back home and clean up these fu.cking mess.

Me : Alright. I will.

I sighed. I knew that once he's home from wherever he's coming from, I'm going to get punished. The thoughts of getting punished by my dad reminds me of mom. I knew she wasn't gonna come back but I'm hoping that maybe one day, just one day, she could come and see her own son. I wiped my unknown tears that had been rolling down my cheeks and wash my face before started wearing the tux.


After those memories, rose petals, the tears and the outfit, I called Vic to tell him that I'm ready but he didn't answer his phone. Curious. Maybe his phone died due to lack of battery. I shrugged and walked my way down to the Starbucks Cafe, when I saw Vic's standing on the opposite side of the road. I chuckled and cross over to him.

"Why didn't you write down that you were waiting opposite the cafe?" He smiled and bring me closer by my waist, "Because I want to see you from far. You look beautiful tonight." He winked. I blushed, hard. I hide my face on the crook of his neck and breathe him in. He laughed - which is hot - , and then he pulled away to peck my lips. "Come on, let's get going." He opened the car door for me and I smiled, a genuine smile.

He drived down the road and soon enough, we are out from the city. I asked, "Vic, why are we out from the city?" He smiled and didn't respond. I kept pestering till he sighed. I knew that that was my limit. I kept my mouth shut, cross my arm, slouched in the passenger chair and pouted like a 5 year old. He looked over and chuckled. He grabbed my hand with one hand and the other on the steering wheel, "You're so adorable, ya'know? How do I get so lucky?" I blushed. "Uhm, I think it's the other way round, babe." His face went red when I called him babe.

After a few minutes of silence, the car came to a stop. I looked around and sure enough, there's trees, lake, and... a dinner?! My mouth were hunged open and Vic kissed my cheek, enough to bring me back to reality. I looked over to Vic and he was looking at me adoringly. "Come on. The food's gonna be cold soon." I nodded. I waited till he open the door for me and he intertwined our fingers. We walked through the forest and walked down by the lake side. We were walkinng in comfortable silence when he asked me things. "Kells, you didn't tell me much about yourself. I want to know more." "Oh uhm. Okay. My dad's an abusive drunken asshole, my mom left me alone with my dad when I was 9. Uhm, I got bullied in my previous school back then. Hmm, my favourite colour is yellow and favourite animal is wolf. Yeah, that's basically it." He nodded. "What about yours? I don't know much 'bout you too." "My parents are working. I got bullied now and then too. Not often. I have an annoyying but an awesome younger brother named Mike, who is straight. I don't really have a favourite colour but mostly I wear black. My favourite animal is monkeys cause they're way damn cute and hyperactive." I laughed when he said that he loves monkeys. He's adorable at times. 'How on earth did I get so lucky?' I thought to myself. We continued our walking.


That's for today! I know it's a little but I'm practically rushing through everything xD Oh and for the book cover, it's editted by @thevicandthekellin . Thanks! :)





I Need You In My Life (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now