You're The Best Thing That Ever Happened..

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Kellin's POV

We ate our so-called dinner night near the lake and laid there, watching the sky with stars twinkling. I felt my hand being intertwined by no others than Vic Fuentes itself. I looked over him, just to see him smiling and staring at me. I was freaking out by now. 'Is there something on my face? Is there a mess? Ohmygod. How does my hair look like? Is my tux okay? Shit shit shit.' He chuckled. I look at him, eyebrow raising.

"What's so funny, aye?"

"Nothing. It's just that, you're speaking your thoughts out loud. Nope, there's nothing on your face. Nope, there's no mess. Your hair looks perfectly fine and your tux is okay. I'm staring and smiling at you because you're perfect, Kells. Don't worry. I won't change my mind about us."

I blushed furiously at his comment. I smiled and turn to watch the sky again. But this time, Vic caress my cheek, causing me to look at him again and then, he started leaning in. I leaned in too and we kissed. And that's when the fireworks explodes into the sky. I watch it in awe, looking back to Vic to see him smiling and his eyes twinkled.

"Y'know, you're the best thing that ever happened in my life." And with that, I sealed the day with a passionate kiss.


Vic's POV

It was Tuesday. I'm in class, staring at Kellin while he sits there, shifting in his seat uncomfortably. I smirked, and that's when he raised his hand to ask for permission to head for the toilet. I chuckled ever so silently (like evil laughter, i know). A few minutes passed by and I decided to go after him since I have nothing to do.

I entered the toilet, just in time to see him getting out from the cubicle. I smirked evilly, walking up to him slowly. He watched me in confusion, backing up twice the steps I take. I couldn't help but smile innoncently and after a few more steps, he was already up against the wall.

"Kells, where were you? I was waiting for you.." I said. "Vic," he giggled, cutely. "We can't do this right now. We're in school." "Mmhm. I don't care, babe. I want you." "Nope, we can't have it here." "How about my place? At 4?" "Sorry Vic, but my dad's home."

I sighed, and nodded at the end. I couldn't do anything about it, right? "Awh, Vicky. Don't be sad. I'll turn 18 in the next few months and then I'm all yours." He said in a cute baby voice winked. I smiled, a fake smile. A few months? That's way too long. I need a sex partne- Woah woah woah. Hold up there. I ain't gonna have anyone else replacing him. He's mine and I don't want him to get hurt anymore. So I smiled again, this time, a real happy smile, for him.

Kellin's POV

I know a few months is long for him but I really need him to be patient. Unless if he wants... "Hey Vic.?" "Mm?" "You know, you can always just have another person to replace me to while waiti-." He snapped his attention to me and glared. I shut my mouth quick and gulped, fear in my eyes. "There will be no one replacing you. Even if I have to wait for days or months or years or eternity, I will wait. Because there's no other perfect, adorable guy like you that could catch my attention without even trying. So stop talking about this and get back to class." He snapped, harshly and then stormed off, walking out from the toilet.

I let out a huff sigh, went over to the sink, splash some water at my face and took a deep breath. I look up to see my face in the mirror and may I say, I do look dashingly handsome.

"Hey there, handsome. Wacha doin' here? Oops. Sorry, my bad. I gotta get going. Toodles." I talked to my own reflection and I might be going crazy. Haha, oh well. I'm Kellin fucking Quinn. The crazy guy. I walked out of the toilet and head back to the classroom.

I get back to my seat and glanced back to where Vic was and I regretted that decision. His face held a regret and an apology look. I smiled, telling him it's okay. But by his reaction, he didn't buy it. 'Pfft. Whatever. Gotta get my shit done by today before end of class.'







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