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Hey guys! I know I know. I'm late for the updates. I'm truly sorry cause I've been busy for my exams which had already started last 2 days ago. So just bear with me, alright? And I'm dedicating this chapter to my one and only longest friend I've ever had @SabrinaPurdy . Enjoy~


Kellin's POV

Ronnie called my fu.cking boyfriend in the middle of the night. I sighed and passed the phone back to Vic. He look worried. "I'll leave you with this.. Alone. As a matter of fact, I don't want to be hurt, again." With that, I walked out of the room, tears spilling from my eyes.

Vic's POV

I can't help but watched him leave the room, sobbing quietly. I know that he doesn't want me to hear him crying but, he's too precious to me for not hearing everything about him. My phone ranged for what the millionth time. I answered but kept my breathe still.

"Hey hun. Do you remember that you are going to meet me? Hahaha, remember to meet me soon alright? I love you, dear." He hunged up. I closed my eyes and breathe slowly. I don't want to cry again over this stupid matter.

I went out and search for Kellin in the living room, but he's not there. Neither in the kitchen. I almost gave up for searching him till...

"Why can't he love me the way he loves everybody? Why can't he see that I'm truly hurt by his actions? Why didn't he stopped me from going out from that room? Why why why.? " Sobs filling in the air. Followed by heavy cryings. God. I can't believe I'm so stupid about this. I have to make it up to him. I got an idea.


Kellin's POV

I was alone when I heard a guitar being strummed perfectly and the person starts to sing,

So what if I was just a painter

painting houses on the rich blue coast?

Would you ever try to leave me

for somebody who deserves you most?

'Cause darling I am just a painter.

I'm painting houses for the rich old folks.

I'm gonna make a million dollars,

'cause nobody's gonna steal you, no,

For diamonds and gold.

For diamonds and gold.

'Cause I've broken bones for you, and for you only.

I make money but we just can't keep this home.

Give me your heart and your hand and we can run!

We can run, we can run baby, run now.

We can run baby, run.

He's like a bullet through an ocean,

I still remember how you moved so slow.

You tried to kill me with a shotgun.

Bang! Now we're even

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