i. Coping methods

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Dean hated to admit it, and he'd rather die chocking on his pie than say it out loud, but even him, one of the best hunters in the world and a man that liked to show off a cold facade; needed coping methods.

He said he didn't need any because he wouldn't pay too much attention to all the things that happened, but you and the ones close to him knew better.

Even with the aloof exterior, you all knew Dean was an actual softie inside, he just tried to play the tough guy for you and the others.

He was the strongest and he considered himself responsible for you, Sam, Cas and Jack, and if any of you ever asked him how he felt, he said he was fine.

I mean... it's Dean. He's always fine... right?

Nope, not right.

He's never fine, but he tries to stay strong and appear to be happy for all of you.

And well, since you two got together, you became his coping mechanism.

I know it sounds weird, but that's how it really was. Sometimes you called yourself his personal psychiatrist, only as a joke of course, even tho sometimes you felt like you were.

When he came back from rough a hunt, when he had nightmares, when he got hurt and in many other situations, he came to you and somehow you always managed to make him feel better, almost instantly.

Maybe it was that cute smile that he loves putting on your face, or maybe it was your laughter that brightened up his day, your kind and calm nature that helped you understand him so good; but Dean knew whenever he'd come to you, you'd help him, and he was so grateful for having you.

He knew he was in love with you since the first time he heard your laughter, the day you met.

It awoke something inside him, something that he thought it was buried deep inside and won't come out ever again.


It was a stormy night. The rain was pouring out of the sky, lightning was decorating the sky, making it look like it was about to crack and thunder rolled in the distance.

Dean tossed and turned in his bed, beads of sweat were trickling down his forehead and neck and he mumbled incorrigible things in his sleep.

Nightmares were disturbing him again, and it seemed that night it was worse than any other times.

Suddenly, he sat up.

He wiped the sweat that slid down his face and neck, his chest heaving as he looked around. Michael again.

He looked around and saw he was safe at home, not underwater into a magical coffin.

The wall on the left side of his bed was scratched, deep marks left by him in the hellish turmoil.

Taking deep breaths, he tried calming himself down as good as he could, but nothing worked.

A single word popped into his head at that time.


He stood up and walked out of his room, strolling towards your room as silently as he could.

Opening the door softly, trying not to wake you up, he peeked into your room, looking at your sleeping form splayed on the bed, blanket wrapped around you as you looked like you were having the sweetest dreams, a small smile on your face.

He entered and closed the door behind him, walking silently towards your bed and getting in, laying down next to you, your scent calming him down.

Dean turned around and hugged you close to him, sighing in content as he began calming down, your smell and warmth having that effect on him.

"Dean?" You mumbled sleepy as you turned around, meeting the warmth of his chest.

"Did I wake you?" He whispered as he began stroking your back, pulling you even closer to him.

"No, I just felt you were here" you shook your head and rubbed your eyes, "What happened?"

"I just... I had a bad dream" he grumbled in his deep, groggy voice as he closed his eyes, pursing his lips.

"Michael again?" You asked as you sat up and looked at him, running a hand through the mess of hair that was on his head.


"Wanna talk about it?" You hummed as you pulled him on top of you, making him rest his head on your chest.

"Not really. I just wanna be here" he shook his head and sighed again, contented this time as he kissed your shoulder.

"Then try to get some sleep, Dean. I'll be here" you mumbled as you kissed his forehead and began caressing his back up and down.

"Thanks sweetheart" he smiled cutely and leaned in to give you a sweet kiss before resting his heas back on your chest, clinging to you as if you were his breath.

"Good night Dean" you smiled as you began humming a soft song, running your hands trough his messy hair and caressing his cheeks.

Soon enough, you heard his steady and soft breathing as small snores left shook his chest, making you smile to yourself as you fell asleep as well.

And maybe it wasn't exactly the best coping method, but having you with him, Dean knew that he could overcome anything.


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A/N: And that's it! Hope you liked the first imagine posted here!

xoxo, liv.

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