x. The artist

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Reference: none. Just a thing I wrote mostly for myself. A vent kind of thing.

Character: Michael! Dean

No romantic connections in this chapter.


It had been the worst day ever, and yet you felt like it could only get worse. For you it wasn't "It can only go uphill from here" it was "It can only go downhill", trust your luck to make your day even worse if it was possible. And you trusted yourself that it was.

And honestly, people only made it worse.

Everywhere you looked, you saw another reason to just go and live somewhere away from the society. It was just a chaos. And it was not the arranged, strategical kind of chaos. It was the kind of chaos provoked by others, to which others just succumbed and dived in.

The kind of chaos that was just a pure misery and disrespect to the utmost creations, to the life that has been offered to humans, and they choose to waste it away in this complicated, mayhem race to vanity, self satisfaction and egoism, something that led to self destruction for the human race.

You knew you were part of the chaos, you knew it was inevitable at some given points and moments in life, but you tried to keep yourself out of the influence it had over everyone. You tried to keep your values simple and concise and it was an everyday fight to look away from the squalor and havoc that was everywhere around you.

In your creations of art and writing you tried to induce small messages that might be a mind opener, some few but strong words that might make a change. You tried to create a perfect world in which at least your characters, to which you were attached to dearly, would live, and honestly you wanted that for humanity as well.

The world needed a savior, someone to led them away from destruction, someone to change it once and forever.

You weren't that obsessed with order and sometimes you'd let yourself fall in those daily, unnoticed little things, but the way you looked at the world and your perspective was different from the others's.

After a long, tiring day at the art studio you were working at, you were walking down the busy streets towards your apartment. As you walked, you looked around and saw the same thing you saw everyday. Everything became such a routine that even people walking seemed like the act itself was a pattern.

Keeping your coat wrapped a bit more tightly against you, the bitter wind of October blew harshly, rustling the rusty leaves that were barely still holding onto the branches of the beautiful colored trees.

Taking a deep breath to calm down after the hectic day you've had, you kept walking towards the bridge that was on your way towards your home. The exhaustion of the day began wearing you down, and you felt a bit dizzy, so you decided to sit on a bench, watching the sun set into the river that was running under the bridge, your muscles relaxing and your mind breathing into it.

Just as you began thinking that your luck might start to turn, loud thunders rolled in the distance, and a heavy rain began pouring down from the skies as if the clouds were breaking. It had been cold and gray for weeks, as if normal for the season.

"Perfect" you grumbled under your breath angrily and somehow disappointed as you ran a hand trough your already wet hair, sighing heavily.

You didn't bother to move yet, however, something made you stay there but you were too deep in your thoughts to notice it. Your wet hair clung to your face and you let a few tears stream down your face. You didn't know if they were from anger, from the exhaustion or from the bad days that you had, but you didn't really care either.

A tall man wearing a coat walked by, not noticing you at first. He stopped a few feet ahead, turning back to look at you as he walked back and sat down next to you on the bench.

From the moment he sat down, the rain seemed to have stopped falling onto you, like there was an umbrella held over your head, but there was not.

It was quiet for a few moments, before you heard his voice, "Why are you out here?" he asked as he cast a glance towards you.

You denied him an answer, keeping your gaze down on the pavement that was wet with water. You expected him to walk away, and leave you be, which was probably for the best; your thoughts would scare him, perhaps. But yet he stood there, according you the silence to exist, the silence to gather a few thoughts that had sense from the chaos that was in your brain.

A few minutes might have passed, minutes filled with silence from you and patience from him, minutes in which you thought of an answer.

"This world sucks" you finally answered, grumbling under your breath.

"Who hurt you?" he chuckled lightly as he turned his head to look at you.

"Honestly, I think everything and everyone. This world is broken, full of evil. And evil people, and there's nothing that can be done. It's hopeless... and past salvation" you answered flatly, shrugging as you turned and looked at him. The glowing warmth in his green eyes made you shy away for a second and you looked quickly at your feet.

"That's how humans made it. Perhaps with intervention it can be saved" he said, casting a questioning glance towards you, pausing for a bit before speaking again, "What if we could change it?"

"It's not even possible" you scoffed while shaking your head

"Not trough human means, no. If there was another way, would you take it?" he asked and you looked at him, a bright blue shining under his green orbs.

"Absolutely" you nodded, looking at him a bit reluctantly.

His head leaned closer to yours as he continued to stare intently in your eyes, "Join me Y/N. Let's change this misery and create a new world together. One worthy of your art"

While staring in his eyes, you've never felt such peace and serenity in your whole life. It was like every negative thought, every pain and sorrow had washed off, almost instantly.

As he stood up, his eyes flashed a bright, inhuman blue, and he offered you his hand, a slight smirk on his face, and you hesitated a few moments, "What are you?"

You also noticed, that as soon as he stood up, the rain began falling onto you again. That man wasn't exactly what you thought he would be.

"I'll explain everything later. For now, join me. And we'll change this world" he answered as he looked at you expectantly, still waiting for your answer patiently as he did before.

'What else could I lose' you thought to yourself as you nodded and reached out, taking his hand and standing up.

"Good choice" he smirked, and you saw a pair of huge, majestic black wings extend from his back.


A/N: Part two anyone? I know this is weird and ugly, but I've had a weird dream and this is the product of it and my weird mind. I hope you didn't vomit while reading this.


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