xiii. Care

597 15 0

Reference: none

Character: Dean Winchester season 14

Warnings: none



It was pitch black outside as you drove back to the bunker. You've had quite the busy day and the only thing you wanted was to get a shower and get some sleep. As you parked your car, you saw something you didn't see in a while, and it wasn't the nice kind of thing.

Dean was with his back turned to you, his head hung low as he sat on the hood of the impala, the other hand busy with holding the beer in his hand. You could see the side of his face, caressed gently by the pale light of the moon, the other side of his face hid after his hand. His eyes were cast towards the skyline, dull and lifeless, deep bags under them, his hair was messy and his lips were pressed together tightly. His shirt had a mysterious stain on it, maybe it was beer or water... tears maybe?

Nah, it's Dean we're talking about. Dean would rather die than cry or show any sign of vulnerability and crying wasn't something he'd do, even if his heart was breaking. Right?

He looked so tired and so drained, so weak, even his face was pale. Why was he awake at that hour anyway? It was well past midnight and that day he and Sam came back from a tiring hunt. 

He didn't even seem to hear your car or notice your presence as he kept staring ahead at the horizon, his mind elsewhere and lost in thought.

Climbing out of your car, you approached him silently, placing a hand on his shoulder gently, trying not to startle him too much, but he still jumped a bit, "Dean?"

"Yeah?" he asked as he turned back to staring ahead of him, in an attempt to hide his face from you.

"You okay?" you asked softly, squeezing his shoulder in a comforting way.

"I'm fine" he answered bluntly as he took another long sip of his beer, making you frown.

The simple dialogue became like a game of show and never tell for you and him. Like a broken record that played on and on every day. A little scenario that you two would act upon daily, hidden meanings behind the handful of words you'd exchange.

Over the time that you've been with the boys, you learned how to read their moods and figured out pretty quick what bothered them. Well, especially Dean's, considering how in love you were with him. You knew just with a glance if he was sad, if he was hurt or tired or just bored, but you knew. You knew his method of locking himself up in his room and staying there until he felt better, you knew how he cried sometimes but never in front of any of you, you knew him.

"You're not" you shook your head as you wrapped your arms around yourself, shivering from the cold breeze.

"What?" he asked suddenly as he put on the usual aloof exterior.

"You're not fine. I can see your face you know" you shrugged as you looked straight into his eyes with a knowing look.

He shook his head and sighed, "Yeah, no need to psychoanalyze me now" he grumbled under his breath as he drowned the beer down his throat, tossing the bottle away carelessly.

"What happened this time?"



"Nothing happened! Just go inside, it's late" he almost snapped at you but held back

"I'm not going until you speak" you shook your head and sat on the hood next to him, "You know you're not my psychologist, right?" he hummed as he gave you a cold look.

"I know but you sure as hell need one" you nodded as you looked towards the skyline as well, "You know you can't keep that up forever right?"

"Yes I can. I'll just keep it all in here and then one day I'll die" he muttered, both jokingly and seriously at the same time.

"I won't let you"

"I know" he mumbled and both of you turned simultaneously to look at each other. His eyes ran down your features until they reached your lips, where they lingered for a few seconds before he looked away again.

"I don't understand why you won't let anyone help you Dean" you sighed sadly as you played with your fingers, and you heard him take a sharp breath. He was getting angry.

"No one can help me, Y/N. I appreciate that you care, but it's useless. I know you're hoping to fix whatever's broken, I ain't somebody you can save" he said angrily as he looked at you again

"You just delve in your sadness, you're so over your head that you aren't able to let go of your goddamn ego for a second and let someone help you!" you fired back, finally having enough of his crap as you glared at him.

"Says the one who's fixing everyone around her except herself! Newsflash sweetheart, you ain't that perfect either!" he growled while fisting his hands tightly

"You know what Winchester-" you started angered to the max, but before you could finish he cupped your face and kissed you roughly and angrily until he calmed down, pulling back slightly only to brush his lips over yours, "What?" he hummed as he kept you close, his brilliant eyes staring into yours.

"I care about you Dean. I hate seeing you like this" you mumbled softly as you let your head rest on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around your waist

He took a deep breath, a small smile forming on his face as he kissed the top of your head, "I know" he whispered and kept you close as you two sat there in silence, the night sky extending above your heads as the silence and actions spoke for themselves. 

And probably it wasn't something Dean would admit in front of many people, but he care for you as well.


A/N: Idk why this turned out like this but yeah, this book is dead :D

Word count: 1010

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