xii. Jealous demon

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(Belated) Birthday special for Abhip_Stark. Have some jealous demon 😉

Reference: none

Character: Demon! Dean

Warnings: jealous! demon! Dean, dom! Dean (only mentioned)


"I'll go get some stuff. Stay here okay?" Dean hummed as he pressed a quick kiss to your lips, his scruff scratching your chin as he gave you a wink and went in the store the small gas station had, leaving you sit on the hood of the impala as you waited for him, watching the demon walk away with a small smirk on your lips.

You had met Dean a couple of months ago, when he helped you get rid of a guy that was bothering you in a bar. He had pretended to be your boyfriend for a few minutes, but in return he asked for a date. Later that month, after you saw him beat the living hell out of a guy, he finally told you what he really was. A demon. You accepted the date gladly, you weren't scared of him. Demon or not, who could've said no to him?

He was tall, much taller than you, had a broad, strong chest and arms so muscly you could see them ripping through his shirt, his sandy hair was always styled perfectly and his beautiful green eyes could've pierced through your very soul. Plus that scruff, a beard almost a beard, that dusted his cheeks along with a few freckles made him look even hotter.

And it wasn't just his looks, it was his demeanor, the way he acted and held himself which radiated dominance and power in waves. That dark and intoxicating aura around him, something so mischievous and malicious but so attractive that it made you dwell and get lost into it every time he pressed your lips on yours.

Also, to your surprise, he wasn't the type of guy to cheat or go to strip clubs, even tho you thought that in the beginning. He was actually loyal and extremely protective, every time he'd see a guy even throw you a glance he didn't like he'd glare and wrap his arms around your waist, either keeping you close or kissing you roughly until the guy finally got the hint to back the hell away unless he wanted to die. Literally.

Everything about that man was so attractive you barely believed he was real. Everything you dreamed of and desired, neatly packed in the hottest man you have ever seen. Perfect .

As you sat on the impala, waiting for your demon while being lost in your thoughts, you felt a hand on your back a whistle, but you thought it was Dean.

"Dean, stop--" you began but stopped shortly when you saw the man in front of you. That wasn't Dean, "Who the hell are you?" you scoffed as you smacked his hand off of your back and glared, folding your arms over your chest.

"Oh baby I'm not Dean, I'm something better" he smirked and you rolled your eyes, looking around for Dean. If he'd see that, the guy would be dead in the matter of a few seconds.

"Look buddy, my boyfriend is inside the store and if he sees you, you won't know what hit you" you laughed dryly as you shot him a disgusted look.

"That's what all of you say" he chuckled and raised his head to look at you, "But if he does exist, why don't you go with me somewhere private? Let me show you what a real man is"

"A real man? Right" you rolled your eyes at him once again, "I'm telling you, get away if you value your life"

At that point you were looking around for Dean, hoping he'd come faster and get rid of that bastard already.

 "Oh, sweetheart, you're not gonna look at him the same once I'm done with you. All you will think about is me" the disgusting man smirked and reached out to grip your thigh.

At that exact moment, Dean's senses pricked up and as he was paying for what he was buying, he turned back and looked through the window, his face instantly darkening and his eyebrows furrowing, anger boiling in within and the vein on the side of his neck visible as he clenched his jaw tightly.

You saw him storming out of the store angrily, that dangerous glint in his now completely dark eyes as he glared daggers at the man. You felt relief wash over you that moment, but also a bit of fear knowing what the demon was capable of.

"Oh man you're gonna regret everything" you laughed, more confident now that Dean was there and the crusty man moved his hand along your thigh.

"I'm sure I won't" he grinned and wanted to say something else when he was interrupted by the familiar deep voice from behind him.

"How about you take your hands away from her? Before I rip them off" Dean asked darkly, at the edge of patience as he looked at the man.

The man scoffed and turned around, "Who the fuck are you?" he asked as he faced Dean and he only smiled, but you knew that smile too well. It meant trouble.

"I'm the one who's gonna end your life" Dean answered as he punched the man hard in the face, making him fall on his back from the brutality of the action.

"Dean I-" you began but he cut you off by grabbing your hand to pull you up and press you against the cold metal of the impala's door, his body flushed on yours as he gazed down at you intently.

"Who was that?" he growled lowly, almost sexily but also very angrily as he glanced at you, his jaw still tense and clenched.

"I have no idea!" 

"From now on you won't leave my side anymore. I don't want anyone but me looking at you the way I do" he breathed out, his tongue darting out to lick his lower lip as he brushed his hand down your side, "I don't want anyone touching you the way I do"

"You don't?" you hummed, a small smirk on your face.

"I hate it babygirl. It makes me angry knowing that they can even think about doing what I do to you" he growled again as his hands gripped your hips, squeezing them.

"Really? How about we show them?" you grinned as you wrapped your arms around his neck as your hand came to brush over his scruff covered jaw.

He didn't answer, only looked over his shoulder, seeing the beaten up man still passed out and other people looking at the two of you like it was some kind of show, making a smirk grow on his face as he turned to you and chuckled. Dean leaned down and pressed his lips over yours in a hot, feverish kiss, his bottom teeth grazing at your lower lip.

Your hands trailed down his shoulders and back, making his chest heave and rumble under your touch, "Get in the car" he mumbled against your lips and you grinned once again, nodding, "Yes sir"

He hummed, pleased by your reaction and squeezed your thigh, opening the door to the car for you.

"We are going to have fun once we reach that damn motel" he said lowly as he placed his hand on your thigh again and started the car, giving you a wink and a smirk.

And the rest is up to you ;)


A/N: Happy belated birthday to Abhip! I'm so sorry this came out SO late but I didn't have ideas. I hope you liked <3

Love, Liv

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