ii. Happier

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"Goodnight" you mumbled sleepily as you snuggled closer to Dean's chest, burying your face in his shoulder.

"Goodnight sweetheart" he whispered back and kissed your head, tucking you further under the blankets, and soon enough you drifted into a deep sleep, letting Dean alone to watch over you.

He sighed as he placed another kiss on the side of your head and closed his eyes, trying to get some sleep.

He usually wasn't exactly getting too much rest, only 3 or 4 hours a night, his mind was too clouded by nightmares and gory thoughts to sleep. But that was before he met you. Since you and Dean got together, a few years ago, he's been the happiest he's ever been.

He was getting sleep, eating healthier, taking care of himself and wasn't as reckless as he used to be, so he could go back home to you.

He felt like his life finally had a purpose, and that he was more than just 'a good soldier'.

He always said he wasn't the relationship kinda guy, but even tho he didn't like to admit it, he melted when he saw you and you made him happy and kept him sane, gave him something to hold on.

Finishing a hunt and coming back to your home was the thing he always looked forward to, being with you and forgetting everything that kept him awake at night.

After a few minutes, Dean opened his eyes and looked down at you, still sound asleep on his chest, snuggled in his warmth with a small smile spread on your face.

He felt himself getting soft all over when he was you so peacefully sleeping, but then, his eyes landed on the small scar on your cheek, and the bigger and deeper ones on your arms and shoulders, making a bitter expression cover his face.

That day, you've been attacked by a demon and chased trough some alleys, until you managed to grab your phone and call Dean to come help

He did come, as fast as he could and killed the demon, turned out, the demon was after you because it knew about your connection with Dean, and it wanted to hurt you so it could manipulate the Winchesters.

Dean bit his lip in frustration as he looked towards the ceiling, taking a deep, shaky breath.

In the past months, he's been thinking very deep and gave it serious thoughts, and realized that it was all too dangerous for you.

That wasn't the life you deserved. He wanted you to be happier, and he knew you wouldn't be able to be happy with creatures following you, or hunting you, waiting any second to catch you alone and hurt you, or even worse.

He really didn't want to leave, and it hurt him to even think about it, but he put your happiness above his, and so he decided it would be the best thing to do.

He tried  finding good reasons to stay, he thought about how happy he was with you, how your smile would make him feel better instantly, the peaceful moments you two had and the wide and happy smile you had when you saw him coming back from a hunt.

'That's selfish' he thought and shook his head, 'If I continue staying with you, you'll get hurt or even worse, killed. I've been so selfish all these years, thinking about how happy you made me, but not if you're happy as well' he said internally, making himself instantly cringe and sigh.

He gently untangled himself from your arms and stood up, taking on his shirt and shoes, walking quietly out of your room. He got in the living room and wrote something for you, letting it on the coffee table before heading back to your bedroom.

He opened the door, seeing you still sound asleep, hugging hid pillow and burying your face into it. Dean entered the room, taking on his jacket and slinging his duffel bag over his shoulder, stepping towards the bed and leaning down to kiss you softly, careful not to wake you up.

He brushed some hair from your forehead and looked at you a good few minutes, as if to memorize every tiny detail. He kissed your forehead lightly and walked out of your house with a deep, shaky sigh.

It hurt him, but it was the best thing to do.

He didn't want to see you hurt anymore, he didn't want to put you in danger, and knowing that anything might happen any time, he believed that was the best way to keep you safe.

At least that's what he thought.

The next morning you woke up to a cold bed, Dean's side was empty and his warmth was long missing from the bed.

Confused, you sat up and rubbed your eyes, looking around to see if he didn't fall out of the bed in his sleep.

Seeing he wasn't anywhere in the room, and knowing he was too lazy to wake up that early and make coffee and breakfast, you just considered he left on a hunt with Sam.

Walking out of the bedroom and down the stairs, you observed a note on your coffee table in the living room.

'Probably a note from him saying he left and will be back soon' you thought as you sat on the couch and began reading the note.

"Hey sweetheart,

Lately, I've been thinking seriously about us and our relationship, and realized it can't keep up like that. Don't get this wrong, I'm happy and I love you so much, but that's the thing. I've been selfish with you, I only thought about how happy you made me, but never if you're happy yourself. You've been in danger because of me, almost got killed and it hurt me seeing you like that. I love you sweetheart, but I don't want you in danger anymore. I just know it'll be better without me, you'll find someone who'll keep you happy and safe, and I don't want to stand in the way of it. I want to see you happy, even though that means I have to leave. Forget about me, I won't forget you tho"


You set the paper down with tears streaming down your cheeks. You never though Dean would think about this, you were the happiest you've ever been with him.

Taking a deep breath, you calmed yourself down after some time of crying and grabbed a hold of yourself.

You had to talk to him.


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