vii. Bad guy (2)

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Reference: None

Character: demon!Dean

Part 2


Dean ran out of your coffee shop, looking around and trying too see where Derek has gone. The crowd was pretty dense, making him curse under his breath. Finally, he caught a glimpse of the man's denim jacket, right after the corner of a building.

He began walking towards that direction, people rushing up and down past him, making him glare and growl lowly as he moved roughly between them, pushing them away as he picked up his pace to go find the bastard.

After receiving weird looks and few curse words from people on his angry walking, he turned around the corner Derek did and saw him entering in a rowdy bar, tucked away between some old apartment buildings.

Some drunk men were at the entrance hollering and laughing like some mad hyenas, the cheap alcohol kicking in a bit too hard for them, making cat calls after any woman that passed by and shouting after them.

"Idiots" Dean mumbled to himself as he walked past them, pushing open the old, creaky doors of the bar, the strong and rotting like smell of alcohol hitting his nose.

The bar was dark, barely lighted by some light bulbs and it had the smell of a tap house. Perfect place for Derek if you asked Y/N and Dean.

Walking towards the bar and sitting down, he saw the man sitting a few chairs away from him, laughing with some other drunkard. Dean ordered a drink and listened to what they said, they were talking about Y/N.

"How's it going with that chick from the coffee shop?" Derek's friend asked as he placed his elbow on the counter.

"Oh the bitch rejected me, she doesn't even talk to me. But I have a plan for tonight. I'll teach that whore not to ignore me" Derek slurred taking another swing of his drink.

Dean's eyebrows furrowed in anger, and he tightened the grip on his whiskey glass, so tight that it shattered in his rough hand, the glass pieces falling on the ground and the blood sleeking down his palm. But he didn't care. It would heal fast anyway.

"Mhm, and there's also this fucking guy that's there every morning, flirting with her. I don't know who he is but I'll take him out of the picture quickly" Derek chuckled, his breath stenched with the cheap beer he had in his hand.

"Oh really?" Dean spoke up as he stood, his chest puffed out and eyes cold, "And what will you do?" he asked as he took a few threatening steps towards him.

"I can show you" Derek glared, standing up himself as he looked at Dean, the height difference making him look like a midget when faced with Dean.

"Oh really?" Dean chuckled angrily, obviously pissed, "Take your shot" he taunted and Derek growled, swinging his arm toward's Dean face for a punch, the whole bar staring at them.

Dean didn't even flinch, catching his hand and squeezing it tightly as his eyes narrowed in anger, holding pure hate and cruelty, "Listen here you little shit. You will stay away from her... or I'll rip your throat out. With my teeth" he snarled angrily, like a rabid wolf as he twisted Derek's arm painfully, making him whimper in pain, the skin of his arm turning white from the lack of blood that his grip caused.

"Let me go!"

"If I see you there again, we'll have some serious trouble. Did I make myself clear?" he asked, ignoring Derek's cry of sheer pain as if he didn't even hear it, brushing past his ear like an easy breeze. His grip on Derek's arm tightened even more at his plea, back straightening, eyes as cold as ice.

"Let me go! Please!" Derek yelled in pain, the grip of Dean's hands making him crumble to his knees.

"Did I make myself clear?!" Dean snarled, this time angrily and impatient as he stared down at Derek, no mercy in the green forest eyes he fought to keep on, forcing the pitch black pools back in.


"Good" Dean smirked and released his hand, making him scramble away from his towering form.

At this point, all attention was on the two of them, Derek's friend ran away long ago, when Dean appeared. Terrified, curious and indifferent eyes were targeting him, but he just raised an eyebrow, and the gesture was so intimidating that everyone turned back to what they were doing.

That evening, Y/N closed her shop and began walking home by foot, trough the dark and uncharacteristically empty streets of the city. Heavy black clouds gathered on the sky, signaling the heavy downpour that will come soon. Hurrying up, she decided to take a shortcut and walk trough some alleys to reach her home faster.

"Ugh I should learn how to drive" she mumbled to herself as she wrapped her sweater tighter around herself, the weather getting chilly.

Not knowing of that, two men were following after her, pretty close, but she was too tired and lost in her mind to notice it. 

Derek, who didn't quit at Dean's warning, was walking closely behind her, and Dean, who was already incredibly angry and ready to beat the shit out of him, was walking behind both of them, waiting for the opportune moment.

Y/N turned a corner quickly, walking back onto a main street, and as if sensing Derek's presence, she picked up her pace, leaving him trying to keep up. 

Dean thought it was the perfect moment to show Derek what he really meant, so he ran a bit and caught his arm, dragging him back in the alley and slamming him against the wall harshly.

"What did I tell you?" Dean growled, his eyes full of cruelty, anger radiating off of him in waves.

"Let me go you dick! It's not your damn business!" Derek squirmed around, trying to get out of his grip.

At his words, Dean grabbed his collar and slammed him against the wall again, making Derek's head bleed and urging a pain filled grunt leave him.

"I thought I made myself understood and that I wouldn't have to kill your sorry ass, but you know... this doesn't bother me" Dean snarled loudly, wrapping his hand around Derek's throat and squeezing it tightly.

"What are you?" Derek asked, his voice strangled and weak in his throat.

"I'm a demon" Dean smirked, blinking as the darkness covered his emerald orbs.

All that without him knowing that a curious y/h/c haired woman was watching the whole scene with wide eyes.


A/N: Boom, part 2 published! Hope you liked it.

Tagging @Abhip_Stark in this because she loves Dean as much as I do. Part 3 already in work.

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