ix. Last time

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Reference: "Last time" one shot from my RDJ book (2), which is also written by me if it still needed clarifications...

Character: season 14 Dean

Flashbacks are written in bold.


It's been a long day, and Dean just came back from a stressful and frustrating solo case. As he drove down the road, heading towards the bunker, he could only think of one thing. Something that he really shouldn't have been.

He kept repeating himself that it was wrong, that he should stop for the sake of it, for the sake of her. He knew it couldn't go on like that, he knew it had to stop. 

The only thing he had to do was stop thinking about her, keep the road till the bunker and then he'd be fine... somehow.

Yet, as he wad driving, his mind told him otherwise and his hands seemed to think on their own as he quickly changed the direction in which he was heading to.

He did everything in his power not to, but as he drove, he couldn't stop himself from making that dreaded left turn that he knew would destroy him. After that turn, he had a chance to make another one and go home, before he couldn't come back. He didn't take that chance and kept driving straight towards your home sighing and punching himself mentally.

"Not a good idea" he muttered as the car came closer and closer to your house.

 "Very bad idea" he said as he stopped in front of your house, looking towards your door, hoping to find a will, a spark, anything that would make him turn on the engine and drive away, yet it didn't come. He straightened his back in the driver's seat and gripped the steering wheel tighter as his jaw clenched.

He sighed and ran a hand trough his hair, messing it up as he thought the situation over.

"I don't wanna do this anymore" you mumbled as you pulled the bed sheets up to cover  your naked body.

"Wait, what?" Dean asked confused as he looked at you, raising an eyebrow.

"This" you said as you pointed between you and him, "Whatever this is... it has to stop" you said sternly as you looked at him, folding your arms.

He looked at you stunned and disbelief, green, beautiful eyes wide as he looked at you, "What? Did I do something wrong?" 

"Look, it's been a while since all of this, and... hell I'm not getting any younger. I want to start looking for something serious" you said as you looked elsewhere, your glance all over the room but not to the face of the man you loved.

It was clear, he didn't want anything serious, and you didn't even had to ask or give him a look. You'd be sure that he'd create a stupid excuse and just vanish, and you'd never see him again.

"Oh... got the idea" he nodded, a bit sadly and reluctant as he stood up from the bed and put his clothes on, giving you a small wave and smile before he left, closing the door behind him, the roar of the oh so familiar car fading in the distance and his scent still on his pillow as you sighed deeply and he drove away. 

If only she knew...

He shook his head at the memory and took a deep breath, deciding to leave before you saw him, and hated him more than you already did, but he began loosing self control when he thought about the warmth of your arms, the taste of your kiss and the comfort he felt every time he was around you, the strange feeling of peace he felt.

He looked at your door and lost all control he had left, and getting out of his car, he slammed the door closed and locked it. Then he walked in front of your door and began pounding his fist against it harshly.

After a few minutes, the door opened to reveal you, standing there with an annoyed expression on your face.

His hair was a mess, his tie was loose around his neck, his shirt was half in his pants, half out and disheveled and his eyes tired. He was desperate.

"What do you want, Winchester?" you growled as you folded your arms in front of your chest.

He gave you a look, and you understood everything. He wanted that, again.

"No! I'm not doing it anymore!" you refused.

"Just give me tonight... please, and I won't come here anymore" he said, looking at you with his big, beautiful eyes.

"I can't do this anymore. I said I want to start looking for something serious" you said, giving him a harsh look in order to hide the brokenness in your voice and heart.

"All I'm asking for is just tonight then I'll just leave you alone. I won't bother you again. I just... I need to feel you one last time" he begged.

"Dean, I said no. You have a bunch of women drooling over you, I'm sure you'll find something pretty quick" you shook your head firmly.

"I don't want any other woman, damn it! I want you, it's always been you!" He shouted as he looked down at you, fisting his hand tightly.

"Dean, you're not thinking straight" you sighed and rubbed your temple.

"Then let me make it right"

"Then go home and think over it, weight your words. Come back when you find an answer" you said, and prepared yourself to close the door.

Dean stopped you suddenly when he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into him, hugging you tightly as he inhaled your scent.

"This is home... here with you" he mumbled in your hair, voice shattered and barely above a whisper.

By instinct you tilted your head as he closed the gap between the two of you, kissing you deeply and passionately, taking your breath away like he always did, kissing you until you were out of breath, and you placed your hands on his chest and pulled away, breathing heavily.

"No! We can't do this anymore! Go away and leave me alone!" you shouted

"Even if I walk away right now, I won't be able to stay away too long. I'll find myself mindlessly walking back at you. My feet drag me here every time, every damn time, Y/N! I can't stay away from you..." he said, looking at you.

"...I can't do it anymore"

He stood there silent, not saying anything, watching you with an expression of defeat on his handsome face.

"Go home and think it trough. Come here when you make up your mind" you sighed, running a hand trough your hair.

"Okay, but before I leave..." he said as he leaned closer again, and your lips brush once, light and fleeting before it turned deep and passionate.

"One more" Dean mumbled as he pulled you in again for another kiss. Then another one, and another one, and another one. As he kissed you again and again, every time he whispered that it was the last one.

You finally pushed him away with all your force, looking up at him.

"That's enough. Go away" you said

"I promise I'll come back and we'll have a real talk" he promised as he walked away and got in the impala, driving away at full speed.

Would he actually make up his mind?


A/N: Wow, I have no idea what this is.... Anyone wanna request anything tho?

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