vi. Bad guy

621 13 17

Reference: none

Character: demon! Dean 

Coffee shop AU cuz I didn't have any other idea but I really wanted to write something about my favorite baddie.


Owning a coffee shop had really been one of your dreams since you were a child. Interacting with people and bringing them the life elixir we call coffee, basically preparing them for the day was one of the things you liked most about your job. Talking to them and joking around to make them feel better was another thing you really liked about your job, especially since you were an outgoing and friendly person, but not all days were the same of course. 

Some days you wanted to snap at people and just close the shop, but you knew they didn't do anything to deserve that kind of treatment.

Usually, the early mornings at your shop were quiet, not too many people, almost none sometimes, but you enjoyed those kind of mornings sometimes. Yet, about a month ago, those routine mornings were interrupted by a guy.

And not any random guy, at least not to you. Every morning he came at your store a few minutes after you'd open, sitting at the same table in the back of the shop and ordering the same thing. He was handsome, none the less; tall, with board shoulders and chest, strong arms, sandy hair and eyes so beautiful that were the exact definition of those described in fan fiction stories. He was definitely something and you would've lied if you said you didn't like what you seen. 

But there was also something about him. He had this dark and intoxicating aura around him, something mischievous but so attractive, and that little smirk he gave you sometimes that made you want to punch and kiss him at the same damn time. His stare was so intense that it could melt you on the spot, but you couldn't quite shake off that feeling about him. That there was a hidden side to him, maybe. You didn't know what was up with him, really, but you were going to find out pretty soon.

After a few days, you already knew what he ordered, and he didn't even need to tell you, because as soon as you'd seen him, you'd knew what he wanted. Pie and a black, strong coffee.

You and him didn't talk that much in the beginning, but once you started, you discovered you had some things in common, like the love for old movies, binge watching series, the absolute hate for duchebags and the dark sense of humor and love for old rock music, that you'd play every morning.

He didn't stay too long, about an hour or so, but over a month you and him became friends, in some measures. He'd joke around with you, laugh and sometimes he'd even stand up and help you a bit around the store. He seemed like the type of guy to try something with a woman, make inappropriate remarks or even get handy, but he didn't except for the occasional subtle flirting, winks and little smirks he gave you every time he caught you looking at him.

He never really told you about his work, changing the subject or ignoring your question, but how could he anyway? What was he supposed to tell you? If he told you that he was a demon, and not any demon, the knight of hell himself and the possessor of the mark of Cain; and that he killed people for the king of hell, you'd freak out. Normal people don't act pretty well when finding out about the supernatural world, so he preferred to be cautious. 

He didn't know why, but he somehow ended up having some sort of affection towards you. Maybe it was his human side, but there was something about you that attracted him a lot. And not only lust. He felt like he needed somehow to protect you... strange.

Over the time he came to your coffee shop, he noticed this man coming there almost daily, just like himself, but he noticed that something about his presence made you uncomfortable. He saw the man raising his voice at you, glaring and saw how you rolled your eyes and how uncomfortable he made you feel with that. And when he saw you avoided telling him what was up between you, he was sure that there's something between you and him. Maybe an aggressive ex, some crazy stalker or just a guy that had a death wish, but he was going to find out himself.

Not getting rid of that protector complex feeling, and not managing to shake off the suspicions and hate for that man(let's just call him Derek), he began following you home, from a distance. Creepy, but he had his reasons to believe that the man had some bad intentions.

Dean was in the shop, sitting at his table as he clenched his jaw tightly, holding his mug so strongly that if he squeezed harder, it would've shattered. He was angry, none the less, and he looked like he was about to kill someone. Derek was at the counter, talking to Y/N, but he couldn't exactly get what they were saying, yet the look on her face told him everything he needed to know. Somehow sensing and seeing how uncomfortable, and scared she was with that dude, he stood up, walking towards the counter.

"Hey, thanks for the coffee, the best as always" Dean said as he came at the counter, leaving the money with a small smile as Derek shot him a glare, but didn't say anything.

"Let me guess, tomorrow at the same hour?" you grinned as you put the money in the cash register and gave a smile of yourself.

"Wouldn't miss it" he winked at you and put a burgundy flannel over his black shirt, seeing Derek give him a stink eye. He turned and gave him a cold look, fighting to keep those onyx pools from coming up and snapping his neck. Derek stood up and gave you one last look, somehow threatening as he left slamming the door behind him.

"I'll see you tomorrow" you laughed and smiled at his wink as you watched Dean leave.

"See you sweetheart" he shouted over his shoulder and rushed out of the shop, following Derek.


A/N: Ooof, done with the first part. Decided to write something different for the demon, since everything you'll find about him here is creepy, or him being violent, rape or shit like that. Demon!Dean was actually rlly chill and so much more laid back than Dean. I still love both of them tho.

SPN tags: thecodyfern since she helped me with some ideas for a Michael! Dean x reader x Demon! Dean imagine that will come out soon. 

Love_tunes cause I know you love Dean just as much as I do ;)

And Adventurer_Novak_ because she dared me to write this, and I dared her back to write the evil! Castiel one shot.

Sorry for the tags people, Olivia

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