iv. Reunion (1/?)

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(season 1 Dean x reader)

Dean sat alone in the Impala, laying back in the driver's seat with his arms crossed and eyes closed, waiting for Sam to come back with information from the police station.

They found a new case in New York, at the Agora art galley. (my favorite gallery back in NY)

There have been numerous murders there, almost all employees were killed, and the cause of death was unknown. The only clue the police had were some blood trails, leading towards an old, antique mirror.

It was an easy gig, probably a ghost or a vampire, or maybe even a witch. Whatever the purpose of the killing was, it wasn't something good. About 16 employees died in the matter of a few days, and people were getting suspicious when no murderer was found. They started saying that the witches were back, talking about old legends surrounding the area, only because of the town's history. The only suspected person was the guard that was patrolling around all day and night.

While Dean was deep in thought, at the radio came a song that he used to love, a few years ago, when he was in Lawrence Kansas. It wasn't just any song, it was his and Y/N's song, from when they were together, when they were both younger.

He straightened his back and a small smile formed itself on his face, remembering how you two used to dance on it for hours on end, never getting tired of singing and dancing on it.

A small and barely audible sigh left his lips as he ran a hand trough his hair, trying to shake away the memories. He looked towards the glove compartment of the car, liking his lips as he reached out and opened it, pulling out an old and worn out envelope that had yours and his name scribbled on it.

He sighed, reluctantly opening the envelope. He didn't look at the pictures since Y/N left for college, and it was probably still an open wound for him.

In his alone times, Dean was actually soft and let his guard down, allowing himself to breathe and let his mind drift off deep in thought. Towards memories, towards less complicated times, towards things he loved and lost over those years. He tried to stay strong and to keep up his aloof and tough exterior, but you know... sometimes it just breaks.

 He can't always be strong, even if he tries to.

After a few minutes of thinking, he finally found the courage to open it, and he smiled to himself as he pulled out the thick package of pictures.

He felt himself getting soft all over, his heart warming as he flipped trough the old polaroids and notes, memories of you and him together from a few years ago.

The first one was with the two of you at your first carnival together, where he won a stuffed panda for you. He remembered how you whined and pouted when he won at every game you two tried, making him laugh proudly. In the end you tow had fun and made lots of memories. Memories he still held on to.

He flipped trough the pictures, his smile growing bigger and bigger a he thought of the good old times, like your first Christmas together as a couple at Bobby's house, the Impala rides with you and Sammy, your special spot at the lake in the woods, but one of those memories made his smile bitter, even sad.

You two were at the airport, you were ready to leave for college, your bags next to you. You and Dean were hugging tightly, clinging to each other dearly and not wanting to let go.

You had been accepted at your dream art university, in New York, and you really wanted to take Dean with you, but he denied, saying that he couldn't leave Sammy and John alone.

The breakup was hurtful for both of you, Dean wasn't himself after you left. While you were together he was at his best, the hunts went really good, he started quitting at old, bad habits and around you he even *gasp* showed emotions. You've always been there to listen and understand what he said, and you managed to give him good advice that he even *gasp again* listened to.... sometimes.

Well, the point is, Dean really loved you and after you left, he didn't really know what to do with himself. It was really like he lost a part of himself, and everyone had seen that, Sammy and Bobby, and even John who didn't like you that much in the beginning; saying that you'd make Dean soft and unable to concentrate on hunts, but he managed to learn that you and Dean wouldn't give up at each other so easily.

"Still clinging on those pictures?" Sam's voice broke him out of his thought, making Dean jump a bit and hide the pictures.

"What? No. What pictures?" Dean stuttered as he tried to act casual, looking at his younger brother.

"The pictures you hid under your thigh" Sam said with a knowing look as he got in the Impala and gave him a small smirk.

"Don't judge me" Dean scoffed as he pulled out the pictures and put them back in their place carefully, "What did you find?"

"You know, it's fine, we could always--" Sam started only to be interrupted by the squirrel.

"The case, Sam!" Dean said again, accentuating his words, to which Sam gave a look. 

"Right" he nodded and pulled out some pictures of the victims, throwing them on Dean's lap, "I couldn't get too many details from the officers but they gave me the pictures and told me some things about the gallery's owner. Miranda May, she died a few years ago" Sam said as Dean looked trough the pictures of the victims, their brains pulled out (ik, it's yuck but it's an important detail) and their hearts laying next to the bodies.

"Only the smartest employees were killed, mostly women and a few men" Sam added as he looked at his brother who was cringing with disgust


"So? Those are clues to finding out who the killer is. Or what. And they told me who might be the next victim. Does the name of Y/N Y/L/N ring any bell?" Sam hummed knowingly as he handed his older brother a picture.

At Sam's words, Dean's face paled, worry and anger clearly could be read in his countenance as he grabbed the picture and looked at her, how much she changed over those years but it was still the same Y/N. She had the same bright and hope filled eyes and the same cheerful smile that brightened up his day as soon as he saw it.

Dean took the picture and put it in the chest pocket of his shirt, keeping it for himself "Let's go" he grumbled as he started the car and sped over to the Agora gallery.


A/N: Part 1/? ready! Just a nice fluffy idea I've found and thought to write it. Also, if you guys could recommend my book to others, it would be a great help. Thank you <3

Love, Liv

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