v. Faith

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Reference: Season 1 Dean, episode 12 "Faith"


You knew that Dean's job was very dangerous, and you were always missing him and worrying for him a lot every time he told you about a new case. Sometimes he didn't even tell you, just so you wouldn't worry that much, but he knew you could see right trough him, even with his aloof exterior. Yes, he was really good at what he did, and yes he always managed to come back alive, but you could never be sure about what could be happening.

And this time was no different than the others, except one thing. He got badly hurt. 

He was on a hunt with Sam, hunting a creature and Dean decided to use tasers against it. And it worked, the creature died, but with the price of him almost getting killed. The electricity went trough the monster and the puddle that was on the floor, electrocuting Dean and leaving him twitching on the floor.

When Sam called you to tell you the bad news, you were at work, serving some coffee to a customer, but as soon as you heard what happened, you ran off to the hospital.

The doctors didn't give him much to live, a couple of weeks, maybe a month. The electrocution triggered a pretty damaging heart attack and Dean had no chances in surviving that.

You and Sam searched hours on end for something online, called people that might've helped you, but you found nothing. Your last bead of hope almost faded away, but luckily, a friend of their dad's called you back and told you about a preacher in Nebraska that could've helped.

It wasn't the best solution, and not the most reliable either, but you had to try something.

After days of trying to convince Dean and after you giving him puppy eyes, he finally agreed and went with Sam to Nebraska. Dean didn't want you to come for some various reasons, so you stayed in the motel room that he and Sam rented for the night.

Sitting in that damn room and doing absolutely nothing was driving you insane. You paced around for hours, thinking about what could've happened to them. You tried calling them but neither Sam or your boyfriend answered, and it was frustrating. You were so curious and you didn't know what was happening!

Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of that oh so familiar car parking outside and the door unlocking, and you quickly turned around to see Sammy and Dean standing there, smiling at you.

"So?" you asked as you walked closer and offered your arm to Dean, in order to try and support him.

"So, it's done" Dean said in a dramatic tone, looking at you with a blank face.

"Wha- what do you mean by done?" you asked as you looked between him and Sam, your heart sinking a bit.

"Stop lying to her jerk!" Sam rolled his eyes and gave you a small smile, "He's fine, the preacher healed him" he said as he walked over to the couch and sat down, taking off his jacket.

"Just like that?" you asked and raised an eyebrow as you sat down on one of the beds.

"Yeah, just like that" Dean lied and nodded, looking casual as he shot Sam a look to stay quiet to which the younger sibling gave a look.

"Well, then I'm glad it worked. And you were saying that it's bullshit" you smiled as you looked at Dean and he wrapped an arm around your waist, kissing your cheek.

"You were totally right sweetheart" he grinned and pulled you close, "But you know, after all this madness I'm kinda hungry so why don't you go get me some pie, hmm? Pretty please?" he said in a silly voice and gave you puppy eyes

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