iii. Injuries

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(season 1 dean x reader)

It was all his fault.

If he didn't have that stupid idea, he wouldn't have ended up like that.

Well, a couple of days ago, Dean and Sam found a new case in New York, a group of shapeshifters that killed men of importance and stole their identities, money and families, all that so they would kill their children and wives at the end and move along to their next victim.

And that was another occasion to see Y/N again, not that he was in love with her, and it wasn't like he was thinking about her all the time, but he was.

He and Sam fought about the plans, not managing to agree on anything, so Sammy decided to stay back at the motel and come if Dean called or if he didn't answer any of his calls. They decided that they'd keep in touch and hear from each other at the interval of a few hours, sending some messages to announce the other that they were okay.

Somehow, Dean messed up, blew his cover and ended up beaten, bloody, with a bullet in his shoulder and being chased by the shapeshifters trough the whole neighborhood of Queens, his face and shirt a bloody mess.

He grimaced in pain as he covered the cut he had on his cheek, trying to keep as quiet as possible and swallowing the urge to grunt.

His attention perked up when he heard heavy footsteps coming closer, and he scrambled closer to the wall, trying to make himself as small as possible, hiding after a pile of woods.

"Did you find him?" one of the shapeshifters asked, all sets of footsteps stopping.

Dean saw the tall shadows on the ground, meaning they were close to him.

"Not yet. He slipped. I think he ran away" another voice answered.

"I'll take the south side, you and the others take north, west and east. We'll be able to find him faster that way. And if you find him... kill him on the spot" the first voice said, making Dean's eyes widen, but he held his breath.

After a few minutes, he carefully crept out from behind the pile of woods and looked around carefully. When he saw no one was around, he began dragging himself away, trying to find a taxi to take him back to the motel he and Sam stayed at, but the stinging in his back and chest reminded him that he was bleeding to death. So, he decided to go to the only person that could've helped him.

He knew he was close to your apartment, just a few blocks away, so he had to drag himself a bit more, and keep an eye out for the shapeshifters.


After a hot, long bath, you stepped out of the bathroom, relishing the unusual silence your neighborhood had at night. You wanted to stay up all night and take advantage of the peace, yet life didn't have that in plan for you.

You put on some pajama shorts a large (and very ugly) shirt Dean has given you on your birthday a few months ago. To be honest, you really missed him and Sammy, but mostly him. It's been a few months since you saw him, and everything you had of him was that shirt and a picture that was sitting at your bedside.

While you were deep in thought, the door knob began turning around aggressively, twisting like someone wanted to open the door. You put your book down and straightened in your seat, scared and not knowing what to do.

After a couple of more tries, the lock clicked and the door opened to reveal Dean, standing in your threshold, face and shirt a bloody mess and looking like he had a fight.

"Heya Y/N" he grinned and leaned on his arm, smiling like nothing was wrong, giving you some flirty looks.

"What the hell, Winchester" you scoffed as you stood up and helped him sit on the couch, closing the door behind the two of you with your foot.

𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓- 𝐃. 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now