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''99!''Hikaru yelled out as he swung a axe at a tree with eugeo taking a drink water from his bag,They did this for hours each taking turns with them being finished a few minutes later.

The two were sitting by the tree they tried to cut down with them talking with one another,Eugeo quickly stood up and said ''that's right! Theirs something I have to show you!''.

''Their is?''hikaru said as eugeo ran off with Hikaru just standing there and waiting for him to return,He later returned dragging a blue sword which made Hikaru shocked to see as he felt like he knew it for some reason.

''This is...''Hikaru said as he touched the swords handle and got a glimpse of something he forgot,Eugeo made a sad look as he said ''this was the sword we found when Alice broke the taboo index...after you and her were taken away I brought back here''.

Hikaru tried to pick it up but it was to heavy for him to use one hand,''it took me two weeks to bring back!''eugeo said which made Hikaru shocked to hear.Hikaru was thinking as he stared at the sword within his hands ''if we can use this to cut down this tree...then maybe we go look for her''.

Hikaru noticed a faint pink glow coming from his left pocket as he reached in and grabbed the device from his pocket,'' What's going on?''He thought as both eugeo and him heard a explosion coming from rulid which made the two run to there.

Another OOOs was at the center of the village with it growling in anger as it grabbed a crate of fruit and tossed it at a window by it,It created yummies by using three coin from its body and dropping it onto the ground.

Hikaru and eugeo were shocked to see the yummies as they just arrived witnessing their creation,Another OOOs turned its head to Hikarus as it yelled out ''KING——!!!''it charged at him with both of the boys dodging it barely.

''Guys! Hurry run!''Selka yelled out as she was at the churches doors and made the sign to get over here,The boys ran as fast as they could with every fiber of strength that they could muster.

Hikaru ran and ran as he passed Alice's father which made him recall memories of the day that Alice was taken away as he quickly stopped.

Eugeo stopped and yelled out ''Hikaru come on!'',Hikaru closed his eyes as he thought ''not again...I can't lose another person''He thought this over and over until the he yelled out ''I want to be a king! To protect all of my friends!''.

A pink burst of energy came out of his left hand as the gadget he held lifted itself up and created a belt around Hikarus waist.

<Ziku driver!>

Hikaru looked at it for a bit and realized what he had to do,''okay...this time I'll be the king I wanted to be...Alice!''He grabbed the gadget and turned it to show a face.



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