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Hikaru and eugeo walked and walked through the garden as the two soon stopped once they saw a knight with silver armor drinking some wine in the night.

''Eugeo get ready...''Hikaru muttered out as he pulled out his Zi-O ridewatch ''Henshin!'' He ran and was soon consumed by a pink flash as he was now in his armor and clashed the knight with his own sword.

He punched Hikaru back as he switched his weapon from a sword for a whip,He whipped Hikaru into some flowers as eugeo took this chance to attack from behind.

Eugeo was sent to a pool of water from a fountain,Hikaru pulled out another gadget and pressed the button on it.


He slammed into his driver and turned it 180 degrees as he gained a new set of armor over his old one.

(Armor time!)(cyclone!joker! W!)

(Armor time!)(cyclone!joker! W!)

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''Now..count up for your sin!''he pointed at the knight as he soon ran at the knight with green wind giving him a boost of speed,The knight swung his whip as he said ''enhance armament'' the whip soon turned into a energy like weapon as a snake head appeared and wrapped itself around Hikarus left leg.

Hikaru used his sword and tried to slash the whip but it was futile as he was sent to the fountain as well,Eugeo was shoved back into the fountain by the flying Hikaru as both became drenched in the water.

''Damn It he's too strong!''hikaru said as eugeo became shocked by realizing who this knight was as he said ''eldrie your sir eldrie!'',Hikaru became shocked as he remembered that name as his old mentor fought someone with the name eldrie.

Eldrie soon started to get a headache as eugeo and Hikaru tried their hardest to make him remember who he was,A arrow pierced through Hikarus armor and struck him on his shoulder blade.

''Shit!''he yelled out as he returned to normal and saw a integrity knight on a dragon firing arrows at him and eugeo.

The two soon ran and ran as they barely were dodging the arrows,A gate soon appeared in front Of them as they leaned forward and entered the room with Hikaru landing on his face and eugeo landing on his feet.

''ow!''he said as he rubbed his left cheek with his left hand as he and eugeo saw a little girl wearing a purple cloak and hat as she held a staff,The little girl looked at the boys and walked off as she said ''follow me''.

The two nodded to one another and followed her as they entered a library,Hikaru became shocked by how big the place was and eugeo started to sneeze as the girl said ''go take a bath before you catch a cold''.

Hikaru gave a thumbs up sign telling him it'll be alright as eugeo walked to the bathroom as both Hikaru and the little girl stared at one another.

''Who are you...''Hikaru said as he felt something familiar about her as saw a black and white image of her without no glasses on and him wearing black and white armor on.

''Hikaru synthesis Zero...it's been a while''she said as Hikaru became shocked by her calling him that name as he mumbled out ''what did you call me..''.

He slowly began to show images through mind.


He stood in the axiom church with both Alice and another knight as both him and Alice laughed with the third knight smirking.

''Thirty..promise me something will you''hikaru synthesis zero said to his comrade as she nods.

''stop this...don't show me no more''

Hikaru synthesis Zero was laying on the ground with the administrator floating above him,He charged at her with his enhanced armament covering his entire right arm as he thrusted his sword directly at her chest.

''Protect this world...no matter who is your enemy''

''AHHHH———!!!!''Hikaru screamed with pain as his eyes began to slowly turn pink and his eyes showing the name ZI-O,The girl placed her staff against his forehead as she whispered out ''system call...project aerial element sleep''.

Hikaru has vision darkened as he soon awoken on the floor by a table with the little girl drinking a glass of tea,He soon stood up with him soon sitting at the table and said ''I remember...''.The little girl put her cup down and said ''so you remember who I am...''.

Hikaru nodded and said ''you the cardinal system...and you and me partnered up to fight quinella or the administrator'',Cardinal nods as she said ''do you remember the outside world then''.

Hikaru closed his eyes as he said ''I remember a bit of it'',He saw glimpses of a teen boy with pink colored and brown hair like his as he looked older than him.Cardinal places her staff at Hikarus forehead and said ''you may remember your life of the outside but when you became a integrity knight your memory was stolen''.

''Yeah I know...she stole the memories of my time with Alice...and eugeo''Hikaru said as he gripped his hands tightly against his pants.Eugeo walked out of the bathroom with his clothes dry from his system call with him shocked to see Hikaru.

''Eugeo what's wrong?''he said as eugeo pointed at him and said ''your hair and eyes?!'',Hikaru was shocked to hear that as he walked to a mirror by him and saw his new look he now possessed pure white hair with pink trims and pink colored eyes.

''What the...''he thought as he looked blankly at the mirror with cardinal saying ''this is the price of obtaining your forgotten memories Hikaru...you've reobtained your true appearance''.

''True appearance...'' eugeo said as he stared at Hikaru with him saying ''eugeo...I'm not the Hikaru that you knew since your childhood'',Eugeo became shocked by it as he said ''what do you mean Hikaru! Your my best friend your my brother!''.

''No...I'm not I'm Hikaru synthesis zero...and the Hikaru that you know since your childhood isn't before your eyes''he said with a smile as eugeo was shocked beyond he could ever imagine.

''Eugeo...I promise to save your Alice and Hikaru from the administrators clutches even if it means that I and my Alice will disappear in the process''he said as he placed his right palm against his own chest.

''Because that's what a king does..sacrifice his own self for his people''he finished saying his words as eugeo wiped his tears as cardinal said ''you two it's time that you head off but before you go i believe you should now a few new techniques''.

''You mean our sword true powers''eugeo said as Hikaru muttered out ''enhance armaments''.Few minutes had past as Hikaru and eugeo held paper written in this worlds language with the cardinal reopening a gateway with both Hikaru and eugeo walked through as both thought.

''Here we come Alice!''

(Next time:here we go! Blade!)

Alicization:Project KingWhere stories live. Discover now